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Be Wary of the Spread of Radicalism on Social Media


The rapid use of social media has been exploited by terror groups to spread radicalism. Social media is considered effective in spreading the anti-Pancasila ideology because it reaches users directly without intermediaries. The threat of radicalization through social media needs to be anticipated as the number of social media users in Indonesia increases.

The radicalism understanding movement is now judged to be more easily spread through a variety of methods, including the use of social media. This is also due to the shift in function of the social media that has changed a lot. Which initially only about preaching and exist with people who are known. Now social social security is often used as a hidden media. Because, there are so many potential users and the possibility is still unstable to be infiltrated by various distorted perceptions.

Moreover, the young souls who are engrossed in surfing the virtual world. As if what he experienced was worth showing and added to the prestige of the account owner. Not just one or two cases, related to exposure to radicalism. From children to adults, from civil society to the security forces, they are unable to guarantee this radical line.

The Head of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Commissioner General of Police Suhardi Alius is keen to provide understanding to various elements regarding the threat and danger of understanding radicalism and terrorism. Not only among academics, he also provided debriefing to banking members.

He urged them not to underestimate the use of cyberspace in the surrounding environment. This is reflected by the rise of violent content such as radical terrorism which is developing rapidly through social networks. These hardliners use the internet for a variety of things, such as provocation to express fear and recruitment efforts.

He did not dismiss, if the values ​​of nationalism began to erode along with the rapid development of technology. Because, many young people are exposed to this radicalism understanding. On the one hand, technology brings progress and also various conveniences. However, on the other hand, utterances of hatred to radical content spread into the spotlight. As if free to air and anyone can access it.

Radicalism is considered indiscriminately and indifferently. Anyone, anywhere, in any condition can be infected with this kind of deviant understanding. So that increased awareness is needed to be intensified. Not only among banking officials and employees, the former Head of the Police Public Relations Division suggested that we should be able to get out of the comfort zone to bring creativity and innovation to work. Which will be useful for the good and progress of the nation.

On the other hand, we can prevent the handling of radicalism by fortifying ourselves. Cultivating religious tolerance values. As well as instilling 4 pillars of nationality, namely; Pancasila, UUD 1945, NKRI, also Unity in Diversity. If the basic education of the state has been understood and embedded in heartstrings, it is quite possible we will be able to suppress up to destroy this movement of radicalism.

In addition, trivial matters of mutual respect in the community seem to be important. Remember, humans are not individualists, but have links with other humans. So we cannot walk alone. Another thing that can dispel the understanding of radicalism is the unity and unity of the Nation. Evidenced by the strength of the idealist of a nation that without compromise to build unity and unity is able to destroy this understanding.

The family environment also plays an important role in this matter. Good communication between family members will make it easier for us to control all developments in it. Moreover, the tendency of exposure to someone with this understanding is that they can depart from less communicative family conditions. With a low tolerance, so that the educational background is also likely to be influential.

From a number of evidence, most of the former terrorists feel that it would be better when entering into this vicious circle. Actors feel they have a group that supports it and recognizes its existence. Of course this will add to the list of homework for the government. Though all efforts have been diligently waged in order to tackle radicalism.

However, still experience cheating on this. It is not impossible that the virtual world, which is so loved by the wider community, will actually become the fruit of simalakama for ourselves, if we are not careful.

In the end everything returns to itself. Building the main foundation to strengthen faith will help the government to minimize the spread of radicalism to expand.

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