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The-13 Anniversary of Lamandau Regency
Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – Monday (3/8/2015) is anniversary the-13 of Lamandau regency, as autonomy district of Kotawaringin Barat, Central Kalimantan. Lamandau regency…
北京获得2022 年冬奥运会主办权
据吉尼斯世界纪录的报道:2015年7月28日,香港海洋公园的4只大熊猫庆祝生日,其中佳佳以近37岁的高龄。据介绍,大熊猫37岁的年纪相当于人类110岁高龄。刷新了两项吉尼斯世界纪录荣誉,成为 “最长寿的在世圈养大熊猫” 及 “迄今为止最长寿的圈养大熊猫”。…
Many Forest Area Belongs to Citizenry
By: Choirul Fuadi*)
Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – The obstructed to the implement of forestry program in Forest area in Katingan Regency, Central Kalimantan, such as, reforestation. It is…
Bamboo Rafting Race
Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS - Department of Tourism, Art and Culture Lamandau held ritual of Bebantan laman (Clean of Village) 2015. In series of agenda, committee held…
Vehicle with license Plate Non KH emblazoned Plantation and Mining Company in Central Kalimantan
Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – The official license plate of Central Kalimantan for vehicle is “KH”. Keep pace with arising company of plantation and mining in Central…
印尼总统佐科威3月2015年到北京访问时说,印尼政府2015年6月推出了一个免费的签证政策。游客从三十(30)个国家免费签证访问印尼,其中国家包括中国人民共和国。中国国籍访问印尼现在可以使用免费的签证进入通过指定的9出入境检查柜台, 以下是入口和出口点:
雅加达国际机场 (CGK);
巴厘岛国际机场 (DPS);
爪拉娜姆国际机场 (KNO);…
Two villages was claimed by neighbor Province
Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – Dispute of district in Indonesia often happens, such as dispute about border of district between Central Kalimantan and neighbor province. It…
Journalist and National Anti Narcotics Agency (BNN) Palangka Raya Prevent Increasing of Drug…
Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – Prevention and eradication, misapplication and circulation of drug are our job and need cooperation to many people in this case.
Data of National Anti…