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Beware of KAMI Provocative Movements


By: Zakaria )*

The Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (KAMI) is a group that finds it difficult to forget the defeat in the 2019 Presidential Election. The public is urged to be aware of our provocative movements which always trigger public upheaval.

The Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (KAMI) apparently had transformed into a group that invited riots by riding a demonstration against the Omnibus Law Cipta Kerja.

This was admitted by the chairman of KAMI Medan, Khairi Amri, who acknowledged that there would be calls for a rioting demonstration at the WAG “KAMI Medan”. Where one of the group members called for a demonstration like in 1998.

Khairi then called himself the initiator of KAMI Medan as well as the WAG admin. As far as Khairi recalls, the number of members in the WAG is 40 people. According to him, he seldom checks the contents of the conversation in the group “KAMI Medan” because of his busy work.

Because he rarely monitors the conversation in the group, he just realized that there was a sentence asking for a riotous demonstration by two members of the group “KAMI Medan”.

This is of course a big question, if KAMI really are a moral movement to save the nation, how can this movement be infiltrated by people who want to create chaos?

On different occasions, Bareskrim Polri summoned the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (KAMI), Ahmad Yani. Ahmad Yani is scheduled to be examined on November 3, 2020.

Karo Penmas of the National Police’s Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono, stated that Ahmad Yani was summoned as a witness in the alleged case of spreading witnesses in the case of allegedly spreading information aimed at inciting hatred.

Previously, Ahmad Yani was asked to come to Bareskrim. However, Yani did not come because his body was not fit.

Now the case files for the nine high-ranking officials until the KAMI members have entered stage one. The National Police said the case files were submitted to the AGO last week.

Awi explained that they were suspected of violating Article 45A paragraph 2 of Law Number 19 Year 2016 concerning ITE and / or Article 160 of the Criminal Code concerning sedition.

Previously, Golkar politician Sarmuji considered that the demands made by the Action Coalition to Save Indonesia (KAMI) to the government were inappropriate.

Golkar views that so far, the government has been working optimally, especially in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in the health and economic sectors.

He explained that what the government had done had all met KAMI demands, even went beyond. The government has even integrated health management with economic recovery so that the two do not cancel each other out, even become complementary steps.

This member of the Golkar faction said that KAMI showed an impression as a group that seemed to have turned a blind eye to the government’s good performance so far. Especially for the lower class.

He explained that the government had taken many steps and had allocated and spent hundreds of trillions to overcome the impact of covid-19. Namely, through the national economic recovery program, especially for MSMEs, interest subsidies for credit relaxation, especially for small businesses, support for corporations and SOEs and a number of other steps.

It seems that the Action Coalition to Save Indonesia does not have a 100% vision of saving Indonesia, this movement tends to be like a political movement that seems to be looking for a stage for personal ambition.

Starting from riding demonstrations to unlicensed declarations. They still try to find opportunities in the narrowest way to leave a trail of fame.

Frequently carrying out declarations certainly makes some people fail to understand, because the name moral movement should only be done once, and use online applications to disseminate it. However, it seems that the Declaration has been carried out repeatedly, as if forming a party.

On different occasions, the Community Alliance for Anti-Radicalism, Terrorism and Communism (AMAR) in Tulungagung Regency stated that they supported the government and voiced their stance in the petition rejecting radicalism, terrorism and the caliphate.

Maliki as Chairman of AMAR stated that his party rejected the existence of KAMI and asked the group to stop the provocation that was dividing the nation.

This group is also a group that continues to create turmoil in society. The public is also urged to be aware of the KAMI movement because it only provokes the people in the midst of handling the Covid-19 pandemic.

If the KAMI movement is indeed a moral movement, of course the group should be able to use polite methods of criticizing, but its existence seems to be looking for a stage by provoking that has the potential to divide the sense of unity.

It is time for KAMI to be judged by the authorities, so that KAMI leaders can do democracy without breaking the unity.

)* The author is a citizen living in Bogor

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