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Beware of Terror Action in The Upcoming Christmas and New Year Event


By: Edi Jatmiko) *

Terrorist acts usually seem to be taken with a certain momentum, including Christmas and New Year. Although the police continue to capture terrorist networks to ensure security towards the end of the year, the public is advised to remain vigilant of these heinous acts.

Towards the end of the year, euphoria welcomes the moment of the turn of the year along with Christmas celebrations for Christians always awaited. Both of these events will usually make people flocked to certain areas, where an event takes place.

However, these moments are in fact still being used by terrorists to launch their actions. Call it the bomb incident that occurred before the religious celebration is also the turn of the year.

One example is the bombing in Bontoala, Makassar, South Sulawesi. A Molotov cocktail exploded at the Bontoala Sector Police Headquarters (Mapolsek). The bomb on New Year’s Eve was thrown by a mysterious man at the end of 2018.

While history records the gloomy Christmas celebrations that were colored by bomb blasts in 2000 ago. This bomb explosion simultaneously attacked several churches in a number of regions in Indonesia. Among others are; Explosions that occurred in Medan, Batam, Pematang Siantar, Pekanbaru, Jakarta, Sukabumi, Bekasi, Bandung, Pangandaran, Mojokerto, Kudus and Mataram.

In the Batam area, the incident occurred at a Beato Damian Bengkong Catholic Church, Bethany Church Second Floor Batam Center My Mart Building, Simalungun Protestant Christian Church (GKPS) Sungai Panas, and the Pentecostal Church in Pelita Indonesia, Jalan Teuku Umar.

While in Jakarta alone, bombs exploded in four churches and one school. Namely the Cathedral Church, Jatinegara Koinonia Church, Matraman Church and Halim Ecumenical Church along with the Menteng Raya Canisius School.

The series of bomb events seems to turn on a natural alarm so that we are always aware of all the possibilities that occur. Reflecting from experience, acts of terrorism and radicalism have the same pattern. Choosing a place of the crowd, many people, places of worship to the celebration of religious days.
The perpetrators seemed to indeed prepare the scenario so that more victims fell so they chose a place in the crowd. Spread fear and anxiety among the people, which will ultimately make them even more powerful.

According to the Black’s Law Dictionary, terrorism is an activity that involves elements of violence or that can cause harmful effects on human life that violate criminal law. The point is intended as an effort to intimidate the civilian population, influence government policy and influence the administration of the state.

the expected outcome of this action is the emergence of fear, radical political change, extortion, human rights demands, and also basic freedoms for innocent parties and the satisfaction of other political demands or safety. Which aims to cause a damage to the environment or public and private property to the indication to control and seize, and threaten national resources.

Therefore this act of terrorism and radicalism cannot be tolerated. Various appeals are intensified so that people are always aware of the invisible movement of these actors.
The government and the security forces are continuing to carry out security. Deploy thousands of troops who are ready to stand guard towards the end of the year. Mapping of the vulnerable points was also carried out. This is intended so that they are not cheated and make prevention efforts.

Moreover, this prevention is suspected to be easier after the government passed the Law No. 5 of 2018 concerning Eradication of the Criminal Acts of Terrorism. The National Police can now take action without having to wait for the criminal event to occur. Surely this can be a quick motion solution to anticipate all possibilities that occur.
The National Police Chief stated that terrorism remained a major threat in safeguarding Christmas and celebrating the New Year. Nevertheless, people are asked to remain calm.

There is no denying that the swift flow of the spread of radical ideas that led to terrorism has increasingly troubled the community. So the appeals regarding this matter should not be ignored. We also need to anticipate and maintain personal safety by increasing this awareness. Be more aware of the environment, to be responsive to events that could have happened, at least it will protect us from exposure to radicalism and terrorism. Especially towards the end of the year. Which is considered as a vulnerable point for a number of parties, especially the people of Indonesia.

) * The author is a social political observer

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