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Employees Failed TWK Parasites at KPK


By: Zafira Zahra)*

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is a state institution, so an assessment to screen qualified and integrity employees through the National Insight Test (TWK) needs to be carried out. KPK employees who do not pass the National Insight Test (TWK) have so far become parasites within the KPK, and they have even extended the problem of changing employee status.

The National Insight Test (TWK) is a selection process for KPK employees to be able to become ASN, this exam is also very crucial, because this test shows that a person has a sense of love for his country and is obedient to the 1945 Constitution and Pancasila. This includes KPK employees.

From the test results, there were 75 people who did not pass, however there were still 24 people who got a second chance to be appointed as ASN because they could still be fostered through national seminars. Meanwhile, the rest had to accept reluctantly because they failed to continue their career at the anti-corruption agency.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri said that the status of the state civil apparatus (ASN) will not reduce the spirit of the performance of KPK employees in efforts to eradicate corruption.

He firmly said that the spirit of the KPK will continue to eradicate corruption until it dies. He also said that the 1,271 KPK employees who were appointed as ASN consisted of 2 middle high office holders, 10 pratama high office holders, 13 administrator positions and 1,246 functional and executive office holders.

Although the KPK is an executive agency, Firli said that the KPK remains independent in carrying out its duties. Therefore, the transfer of duties from KPK employees to ASN is not related to institutional weakening. This is because the KPK Law has affirmed the position of its institutional independence in carrying out the main duties of the function (tupoksi) of applicable law enforcement.

Firli has also refused requests from a number of non-active employees to revoke or cancel the minutes of the follow-up coordination meeting on the results of the National Insight Test (TWK) assessment in the context of changing the status of KPK employees to State Civil Apparatus (ASN).

In the official report dated May 25, 2021, it was stated that 51 KPK employees who did not qualify for the TWK would be honorably dismissed on November 1, 2021. Meanwhile, the other 24 employees would undergo training in state defense and national insight no later than July 2021.

Deputy Chairperson of the KPK Alexander Marwata explained that the coordination meeting on May 25, 2021 was the implementation of government regulation number 41 of 2020 concerning the transfer of KPK employees to ASN employees.

He explained that the meeting decision was the result of a mutual agreement between the KPK leadership and the Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan-RB) Tjahjo Kumolo, Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna H. Laoly, Head of the State Civil Service Agency (BKN). Bima Haria Wibisana, Chairman of the State Administration Agency (LAN) Adi Suryanto and Chairman of the ASN Commission Agus Pramusinto.

According to him, the participation of the heads of relevant ministries/institutions in coordination meetings is in accordance with the provisions of Article 25 paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 of Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning ASN, which determines that there are ministries/agencies that can receive delegation of authority from the president to implement policies, professional development and management civil servant.

Previously, Syihab as coordinator of the Mass Action Front to Support the KPK (KPK FRAKSI), assessed that there were a lot of corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) practices in Indonesia, one of which was in the KPK institution. In his statement, Syihab said that the KPK as a law enforcement agency must be clean and free from parasites and parasites that interfere with law enforcement for KKN actions. According to him, with the transfer of the status of KPK employees to state civil apparatus (ASN), the potential for KKN practices can be eliminated.

On a different occasion, Petrus Selestinus as a Legal Expert said that the KPK leadership should not be blamed let alone be held accountable for the implementation of the TWK. However, I hope to explain to the public that there is nothing wrong with TWK.

He said that the KPK should continue to work, focus on law enforcement duties, and ignore the behavior of employees who do not pass. Petrus assessed that the TWK polemic seemed unfinished because the employees who did not pass did not take legal action. Therefore, there is no need to waste energy questioning the fate of the 51 people who did not pass the TWK.

The task of the KPK as an independent anti-corruption agency is certainly still a lot, Firli CS must focus on the main task of the KPK to suppress tie mice that have not been caught.

)* The author is a citizen living in Sukabumi

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