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Government Optimizes the Corona Virus’s Impact


By: yudi pahl evi ) *

The Corona Virus outbreak shows an increase in casualties from various countries due to the virus, however people in Indonesia need not be overly anxious because the Government of Indonesia has been optimal in dealing with the spread of Corona Virus including its effects.

This optimization is supported by the availability of health professionals, medical infrastructure and standard operating procedures if there are Indonesian citizens who are infected with the Corona Virus.

              At this time, WHO is merely stated that the outbreak of the 2019-nCov virus was an emergency in China, but it was not yet a global emergency. The world health organization is also recommending some practical and technical steps to prevent transmission.

              The Indonesian government has confirmed that the corona virus has not yet entered Indonesia. Even so, the government plans to find an empty island to establish a hospital that will be used as a treatment and prevention of infectious diseases, including the corona virus.

              The proposal was welcomed by the Alert Alert Task Force and Alco N PB PB Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), Erlina Burhan . But he underlined, that the hospital is expected to not only deal with the corona virus, but also diseases caused by other viruses.

              If the plan is realized the government must start thinking about the fate of hospital employees later, including the residence to the needs of the doctors on duty.

              The plan to establish the Hospital was first revealed by the Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Human Rights Mahfud MD. He said that the government was looking for an empty island that would be used as a reference for handling infectious diseases such as the corona virus.

              On the island, a special hospital for virus handling will be established as well as a place of observation for patients infected with the virus.

              Meanwhile, the Government of Indonesia also has a corona virus detection tool. This tool is expected to be the first bastion to detect anywhere the presence of nCov in Indonesia.

              Head of the Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, Kemenristekdikti, Prof. Amin Soebandrio said, there are at least 2 types of tools currently used. The tool is not only intended to detect corona virus alone.

              To detect corona virus from Wuhan, China, Prof. Amin said that his party still uses the same virus detection tool as other virus detection processes.

              He said, his party used 2 step screening using PCR to detect all corona viruses. So if there is a corona virus in the sample, it will be caught immediately.

              Specifically for these tools, Prof. Amin said that they were still imported from abroad for now.

              On the other hand, the Ministry of Health seeks to increase the capacity of laboratories and officials in the regions to prevent the spread of the corona virus. They also plan to hold integrated training for laboratory workers.

              The Director of Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases of the Ministry of Health, Wiendra Waworuntu said that his office would conduct even more extensive networks to test laboratories in the regions, so that capacity building would be comprehensive throughout Papua.

              The training includes sampling procedures for smoke test or throat swaps. In addition, training is also conducted to maintain the quality of the samples taken.

              With this, Wiendra hopes that in various regions in Indonesia can identify the corona virus. Without having to be based in the Health Research and Development Lab Lab in Jakarta.

              In addition, the outbreak of the corona virus in China has also affected the Economic sector, the Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy Midwife Susiwijono said, due to the corona virus the economic growth in China would decline. Some countries will also be affected if economic growth in China decreases.

              If the decline in economic growth in China by 1 percent, then it will have an impact on Indonesia which is expected to decline by 0.2 percent.

              For this reason, the government also monitors the development of the corona virus while preparing its anticipation. Because the government wants economic growth to survive at 5 percent.

              Anticipation by the government is to accelerate the passage of the Cipta Karya Omnibus Law Bill. Not only that, the government also began to provide various assistance at the beginning of the year to anticipate bad things that could happen.

              The Indonesian government has shown its performance to reduce the spread of the corona virus that has spread in various countries, not only that, the impact of the corona virus on the economic sector has also been anticipated by the government optimally.

) * The author is a social political observer

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