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Government Starts Building Residential Infrastructure at IKN


The government will prepare infrastructure in the form of housing in the National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago. For workers’ housing facilities for this initial stage, 22 towers have been built.

Bambang Susantono as the head of the IKN authority said the residential development was intended for ASN, TNI-Polri, local residents, and workers as well as for other elements of society.

“There are actually four (residents in IKN), ASN, TNI-Polri, local residents, then workers, the same outside of that, for example there will be schools, there will be teachers, there will be others, then there will be for example hospitals or hospitals. Hospitals, clinics, there are also nurses, all kinds of things must also be accommodated,” said Bambang in his statement, Wednesday (2/11/2022).

Bambang also said that the Government is targeting the National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago to be inhabited by 200 thousand people.

“Approximately 200 thousand people, yes. The population in 2024 is 200 thousand. That includes local residents, workers and migrants,” said Bambang after a meeting with President Jokowi at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta, Wednesday (2/11).

Bambang also explained, following the direction of President Joko Widodo, the construction of housing in IKN is not only intended for ASN and TNI-Polri but also for local residents.

“Well, we saw the map, all of that, so that later the housing that will be developed will not only be (for) ASN, TNI-Polri, but also for people like that and low-income people who were also asked by the President to be made,” he explained.

According to Bambang, the residential development plan in IKN is one of the efforts to attract investors so that they can invest in a number of points in IKN.

“The important thing is that the population is sufficient for these investors to consider that they have sufficient purchasing power,” said Bambang.

Meanwhile, Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono said the infrastructure development of the Nusantara IKN will be carried out in stages. Then for workers’ housing facilities for this initial stage, 22 towers have been built.

“I want all of us to have a strong spirit to carry out our duties as well as possible, namely to produce quality infrastructure works and still pay attention to the environment. The development of IKN is a new history to create a new civilization and we hope that all parties can be a part of that new history,” he said.

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