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Habib Rizieq’s Crowd Violates PSBB and Handling Covid-19


By: Dodik Prasetyo ) *

Habib Rizieq was discredited for inviting a crowd and violating the PSBB. This violation was carried out repeatedly and made people angry. Even though he admitted that he had paid the fine, he was still guilty. Because he never apologized and deliberately broke health protocols.

Community discipline is needed so that the pandemic ends soon. But unfortunately many have violated the health protocol and the PSBB, including Hab ib Rizieq . Just set foot at the airport, it was already electrifying because it was greeted by thousands of people. Even though the procedure is he has to quarantine for 14 days, before he can meet other people.

Habib Rizieq refuse quarantine independently but directly ngegas and attend various invitations. Starting from the inauguration of the place to filling the recitation event. In fact, he also invited 10,000 people to attend his son’s wedding. Even though it is clear that it violates the rules of guarding distance and it is feared that there will be a new coron a cluster .

The public was immediately furious because Habib Rizieq had never tried to prevent the thousands of people from coming to see him lecture, and deliberately invited many people and organized a massive party. As a mass organization leader he should set an example, but instead he set a bad example.

Habib Rizieq violated Perbup number 60 of 2020 concerning PSBB during the adaptation period for new habits. Because he invited a crowd while attending an event in Bogor. The penalty is a fine of 50,000 to 50 million rupiah. This was stated by Iwan Setiawan, Deputy Regent of Bogor.

Such a large sanction is reasonable as a deterrent effect so that Habib Rizieq does not repeat it. In addition, there are also progressive sanctions whose value can be doubled, so that everyone thinks about when they are going to hold events that invite crowds. Because during this pandemic we still have to comply with health protocols, so that everyone is safe from corona .

After all, if you violate health protocol and pay a fine, then people will just take it easy. Provide money up to 50 million to pay it, end the case. Even though the back effect is very big. There could be more events being held because they imitated the marriage of Habib Rizieq ‘s child, which was not dissolved by the authorities.

M hey reasoned does nothing to throw a party that invited many people. After all, there would be no apparatus or task force team to dispel them, because the evidence was that no one reprimanded them when the event was held at Habib Rizieq’s house . Do not let the assumption that petug as only dares to ordinary people but is afraid to instill a Habib.

If there are many who throw massive parties, the pandemic will not end. Because more and more people are affected by corona and the covid-19 vaccine immunization has not been held. Do we want to be sick and helpless, just because we imitate the wrong character? Don’t love someone too much if they don’t set a good role model.

Indeed, after an uproar at his daughter’s wedding, Habib Rizieq admitted that he would not hold a lecture during the day. Reportedly he was exhausted and hopefully he didn’t get corona . Because the Petamburan urban village head was positive for Covid-19 after attending the event. This proves that the formation of a new corona cluster can exist when there is a crowd.

If , for example, Habib Rizieq is positive for Covid-19, it will be very troublesome. Because there will be tens of thousands of people potentially infected. In addition to the difficult tracing process , they can also face difficulties because they refuse to do a rapid test or swab . Even though the test is intended for mutual safety.

The crowd caused by Habib Rizieq is very troublesome because the corona will continue to spread if they do not want to be disciplined. He should have stayed at home and quarantined for 14 days, and did not speak first. However, he violated the PSBB and health protocols.

) * The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Studies Institute (LSISI)

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