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Impact of Covid-19 Government Loosen UMKM Installments


By: Nina Karunia )*

The spread of the Corona Virus or Covid-19 is believed to have negative implications on the economic sector of society. President Jokowi also issued a policy to ease the burden on the people by easing installments to the group of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), Ojek Online (Ojol) drivers, and fishermen for one year. The government also prohibits debt collectors from taking action if there are customers who are in arrears.

Corona virus which is now in the middle of Indonesia also turns out to make the economic condition sluggish and unstable. Many complain that the business is lonely because of the suggestion to stay at home. Nevertheless they remain aware if these steps must be taken.

However, the polemic installments or installments that are likely to be paid increasingly must be overcome. Many stories in fact we cannot refuse. Like Ojol or online motorcycle taxi for example. Those who every day looking for food. Although they are paid monthly, but maybe they should give a daily deposit. It’s not excessive if this group is worried because they have a number of installments that they must pay each month.

There is an interesting story that adorns the Maya world. Many took the initiative to order this Ojol with orders for food, drinks or the like. which they then dedicated to the driver himself. However, of course this still does not reduce Ojol’s worries if they will go to the debt collector.

Previously, the Association of online motorcycle taxi drivers who are members of the Indonesian Two-Wheeled Action Association (Garda) responded well to the government’s plan to provide a number of vehicle loan installments. This plan was initiated by the government in response to complaints about the decline in the number of Ojol passengers as a result of the Corona pandemic.

According to the Indonesian Guard National Presidium, Igun Wicaksono, said he welcomed the plan. In fact, he is pushing the government to immediately issue regulations related to the credit relaxation plan.

This is considered important because the article provides certainty to online motorcycle taxi drivers and also binds leasing companies. Namely, for finance institutions to comply with regulations issued by the government. He hopes that this policy will be ratified and published soon. So that Ojol’s burden can be lightened. He said that concrete policies accompanied by regulations related to credit suspension would be very helpful for them (Ojol drivers).

For workers who do rely on daily income, this leeway is needed. Moreover, the situation is chaotic. This chaos makes most residents feel more worried. Even though we don’t know when this virus will end. It could be tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next month or even next year. Hope after hope is then continued. Hopefully this pandemic will soon be over.

The virus that has killed thousands of people has also not found a drug or vaccine. However, various appeals related to this virus have been intensified by the government. It is important for the community to adopt a healthy lifestyle and wash hands frequently. The practice is expected to increase good immunity, so as to ward off the Corona virus attack as well as various other diseases.

Even though we have no symptoms exposed, we can still potentially transmit it to people who have low levels of immunity. Therefore, we must anticipate by implementing the rules and recommendations of the government related to the prevention of this Corona virus.

Government policies to provide credit relaxation should be appreciated. This policy signifies that the government cares and always takes the side of the community. The public also needs to be more concerned with Government policies because it is impossible for policy makers to make people suffer. The public also needs to be aware of content that is actually not good and not educating, so that it only creates distortion of information.

The public appreciates the government’s efforts to loosen credit for MSMEs and Ojol. This effort was allegedly able to sustain the economic conditions of the people who are currently affected by the Corona Virus. Now is the time to come together to support the government in dealing with the Corona virus. No longer is the issue then brought up again, which only causes injury. The Corona outbreak teaches us to keep fighting and not give up. Together let’s believe that Indonesia can overcome this crisis together.

)* The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Institute (LSISI)

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