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Perppu on Job Creation Realizes People’s Economic Development


By: Tyas Permata Wiyana)*

The economic sector is expected to show progress after Indonesia begins to escape the shadow of the pandemic, so regulations are needed that are capable of accelerating the development of the people’s economy. The regulation is a Government Regulation in lieu of a Job Creation Law (Perppu).

One sector of the people’s economy that is believed to be able to increase thanks to the Perppu on Job Creation is in the fisheries sector. 

The Directorate General of Cultivated Fisheries (DJPB) of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) is optimistic that the implementation of the Job Creation Perppu will strengthen the development of environmentally friendly marine, coastal and land aquaculture through blue economy-based programs.

         Even though it is intensively increasing production, the cultivation process is still in accordance with the blue economy concept promoted by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, namely that every aquaculture production process that is carried out still applies the principle of eco-efficiency  along  the value chain  prioritizing the preservation of natural resources and controlling the impact of environmental damage and involving the community.

         Director General of Aquaculture Fisheries Tb Haeru Rahayu said, in the context of implementing the Job Creation Law, the DJPB has completed the mandate of the mandated legislation, namely the issuance of Ministerial Regulation (Permen) 13/2021 concerning Emergency Response Measures and Control of Fish Diseases, Ministerial Regulation KP 19/2021 concerning Re-dispersion and Cultivation-Based Catching of Fish, and Issuance of Kepmen KP 28/2021 concerning Types of Fish Diseases that have the Potential to Become Outbreaks.

         Issuance of this regulation is none other than as an effort to control diseases or epidemics of fish diseases that hinder aquaculture production.

         In line with Tb Haeru, Secretary of the Directorate General of Aquaculture Fisheries Gemi Triastutik added, the material for the aquaculture sub-sector regulated in the Job Creation Perppu besides business permits includes emergency response and control of fish diseases, re-spreading and catching of fish based on culture and types of fish diseases which has the potential to become an epidemic.

         Gemi explained that efforts to control fish and environmental diseases which are carried out synergistically and jointly between the Government and all stakeholders can realize the success of aquaculture production which has an impact on increasing the welfare of the cultivating community.

         He conveyed that the purpose of enacting Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Regulation No. 13 of 2021 was to increase the role of the government, fish disease experts, universities, the private sector and fish cultivators through the Task Force (National, Provincial and District) in efforts to take emergency response and disease control. fish.

         Gemi also added that the issuance of a Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Regulation regarding re-stocking and cultivation-based fish catching is to regulate the release of fish from native Indonesian fish farming to the redistribution area, in this case public waters. While Cultivation-Based Fish Catching is the management of fish resources that reproduce in public waters which are the result of re-stocking.

         Previously the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Sakti Wahyu Trenggono stated that the implementation of the Job Creation Law needed to heed the blue economy principles, namely sustainability and a balance between economic utilization and the health of the marine and coastal environment.

         Trenggono said that the implementation of the blue economy policy in the upstream fisheries sector would prioritize local workers to support production activities. So that people’s welfare can also increase with the presence of an inclusive economic ecosystem built by the government.

         On a different occasion, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahudin Uno hoped that the Job Creation Perppu would be able to help bring in investors and create jobs.

         He also said that the business world, including the tourism sector and the creative economy, needed deregulation so that growth would be faster. Indonesia’s economic growth in 2022 will reach 5.31 percent. Where the rate is the highest growth after 2013.

         The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy also noted that by 2022 it had created 3.3 million jobs from the tourism and creative economy sectors. According to Sandiaga, this figure could be higher if it is pushed through structural reforms, including targeting an investment of Rp 1,400 trillion. Therefore, a locomotive is needed to accelerate the attractiveness of investment in the tourism sector and the creative economy.

         The former Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta hopes to increase interest in tourism investment and the creative economy, especially in super creative destinations.

         Sandiaga said, to reach the target of Rp. 1,400 trillion, of course you cannot use the old methods. Therefore, it is hoped that the Perppu Cipta Kerja can provide easy, precise, effective and efficient licensing.

         It is hoped that the Job Creation Perppu can continue to navigate the dynamics that are currently happening. Thus, the government’s efforts to increase employment and social welfare as well as provide convenience in doing business can continue to be carried out. 

The stipulation of the Perppu on Job Creation is a strategic step for the government in anticipating global economic uncertainty. This is done through creating and increasing employment, ensuring that every citizen gets a job, empowering cooperatives and MSMEs, as well as adjusting various regulatory aspects related to ease of doing business.

Perppu Cipta Kerja is a regulation that is predicted to be able to attract investors and develop UMKM.

)* The author is a contributor to Persada Institute

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