Supports Acceleration Vaccination Program Covid-19 National
By: Namira Rizkiana )*
The national vaccination program is very important because it is one of the efforts to accelerate the end of the pandemic. The acceleration of this program is carried out according to President Jokowi’s instructions, so that it can be completed in 12 months. The community also supports him because they want to be free of corona
The increase in the number of corona patients makes it sad because the hospital is almost full . So it is feared that transmission will occur again, in OTG out there. To overcome this, two things are needed , namely discipline in obeying the 5M health protocol and vaccination. So that the national vaccination program must be 100% successful, so that all of us are no longer haunted by the covid-19 virus.
Initially, doctors estimated that the national vaccination program would be completed in 18 months. However, President Jokowi feels that the duration is too long, so the target is to finish in 12 months. Acceleration is needed so that the recovery from the impact of the corona virus (especially in the economic sector) will run more smoothly and be completed quickly .
To accelerate the national vaccination program, the government launched an independent vaccination program. So, workers can get vaccine injections coordinated from the office, of course under the control of the Ministry of Health. So that they can be vaccinated more quickly and shorten the vaccine queue at the Puskesmas in the national vaccination program.
In addition, a Covid-19 vaccination center was established in March 2021 at Istora Senayan, Jakarta. This center provides support for the smooth process of vaccination . This center is a collaboration between the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of SOEs, the Indonesia Healthcare Corporation, and the Jakarta Provincial Government.
SOE Minister Erick Thohir stated that the acceleration of national vaccination must be carried out to realize a healthy Indonesia as soon as possible. In this case, collaboration and synergy between government and regional institutions must proceed quickly and strategically. This is a crucial moment so that we can all accelerate the healthy Indonesia program.
Erick added that the COVID-19 vaccination center will facilitate public access and accelerate and expand the vaccination coverage of government programs. In the future, vaccination centers with COVID-19 will be present in other cities that need acceleration. Participants’ data will be obtained based on registration and technology-based data collection from the Ministry of SOEs, the Ministry of Health, and community-based general participants.
In a sense, in vulnerable areas such as Kudus, Madura, and other cities/regencies with red zone status, even black zones, will have vaccination centers with the same standards and facilities. So that those who are civilians who do not get self-vaccinated, can get vaccines at the center without having to be confused about where to register.
So far, civilians are still waiting for their turn for vaccines and usually only go to the nearest Puskesmas when there is an invitation from the RT. But when there is no invitation, they have to wait and when the process, it’s a bit worrying. Because who knows contact with OTG and finally positive for corona a.
However, when there is a vaccination center like in Jakarta, they can register and the data is recorded in a digital saver , so it will be easier to get the vaccine. In addition, digital data collection also makes it easier to record, so that no citizen gets the vaccine more than 2 times or has not even been injected at all.
All efforts, from establishing vaccination centers to self-vaccination programs, are carried out by the government, in order to reduce the number of corona patients. So that we are all free from the confines of the covid-19 virus and the pandemic period is declared over. The acceleration of the national vaccination program must be supported by the people and no one should refuse to be vaccinated.
The corona vaccine is very safe and halal, therefore we all must be vaccinated, in order to accelerate the national vaccination program. When all have been vaccinated, a group immunity will be formed which can end the pandemic. We can carry on as usual, without fear of corona.
)* The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students