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The Best Solution For Traffic Jam

Infographic Public Transport in Indonesia (Source by: kominfo.go.id)

By: Muhammad Iman)*

Residents of Jakarta are familiar or even already saturated with the traffic jam that occurred in Jakarta. Have you ever heard or even been in traffic jam? This kind of activity is surely bored and annoyed us. In fact, because of the traffic jam, we often to be late for work, event, and other activities. We also become lazy to even just hang out with relatives since the trip would take longer time than we spend on the hang out place.

Traffic jam in Jakarta is caused by the high number of private vehicles, especially motorcycle. The awareness of traffic, especially for motorcyclists is also still low. In addition to breaking the sidewalk, against traffic current during traffic jams, crossing over the people crossing bridge, and parking on the sidewalk to be considered reasonable by this irresponsible people. Have you ever done one of those annoying violation? Or maybe you do it every day? I wish that you’re not one of them. Police officers must be firm against violating offenders, because some of the above violations are the cause of traffic jam in Jakarta

Besides the very high number of vehicles, traffic jam in Jakarta is also caused by the limited room for roads development. The high number of infrastructure development that is being done simultaneously also trigger the traffic jam. The other reason is the high number of non-permanent resident which drive during certain hours. The last but not least reason is the negative culture among Indonesians who assume that “people with car are more civilized”.

The government of DKI Jakarta province applies the motorcycle-restricted area along MH Thamrin Street to decrease the number of traffic jam. This policy will also be applied in Jendral Sudirman and Rasua Said Street. The motorcyclist should find another routes since the room for their movement will be limited. The construction of several infrastructure make the traffic jam even worse in several point in Jakarta.

The best solution for now is to switch to public transportation. The existing Commuter Line and Transjakarta are far more comfortable. This condition is extremely different several years ago. In addition, the government has also been constructing MRT and LRT which promising amenities and security for citizen. Those rapid transportation also can cut off more trip time.

The government is working to maximize the success of this program so that the streets in Jakarta are not always flooded by vehicles and help residents to mobilize safely, comfortably and certainly more time saving. The role of Jakarta citizens is also very important in conducting mass transportation usage campaigns to reduce congestion in Jakarta and encourage the government to improve the quality of mass transportation. The problem is, are the citizens of Jakarta ready to switch to mass transportation and leave private vehicles? Are you ready for this change? Supposedly, with the existing comfortable and safe mass transportation, the citizen must dare to switch to mass transportation. Now, you do not have to be afraid of being late for work or spending a whole day in the streets.

)* The author is CIDISS contributor

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