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The Vain Rivarly

Source by: tiro.id. Members of the committee of KPK Coordinating Rights Masinton Panjaitan went to the KPK building.

By: Muhammad Iman)*

Tension between House of Representative (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat/DPR) and Corruption Eradication Commission (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi/KPK) took place again after the controversial statement from Chief of KPK Agus Rahardjo. Agus said that he will prosecute the Special Committee for Right of Inquiry on KPK (Pansus Hak Angket KPK) for the clause about obstruction of justice. The statement was responded by member of Pansus Hak Angket KPK Masinton Pasaribu who came to KPK building and outdar Agus to put KPK vest on him.

The formation of Pansus Hak Angket KPK started from the investigation of e-KTP corruption toward ex-member of Second Commission of DPR RI Miryam S. Haryani. Miryam confess in front of the trail that herself was pressed by KPK investigator when giving the name of those who received money from e-KTP corruption. However, KPK decline it and said that the real pressure was come from several member of Third Commission of DPR RI, i.e Bambang Soesatyo, Aziz Syamsudin, Desmon J. Mahesa, Masinton Pasaribu, dan Sarifuddin Sudding. DPR RI ask KPK to release the recording of Miryam’s confession but was rejected by KPK for the reason of evidence secrecy. This case was then underlie DPR RI to form Pansus Hak Angket KPK.

With the spirit of the mental revolution proclaimed by President Jokowi, should a change in attitude of government apparatus to become more professional is being shown. Every element of government should carry out its duties and responsibilities respectively without any intervention of the tasks with each other, especially by using threats. Meanwhile, for the affairs of supervision on the performance of each government institution can be submitted to public. The public needs to take an important role in overseeing the implementation of the duties of each state institution, so that the objectives of the state can be achieved and the disagreements among state institutions are not repeated in the future.

)* The author is CIDISS contributor

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