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The Government Is Optimistic That It Can Overcome Covid-19


By: Rizki Aditya) *

The Indonesian government claims to be optimistic in efforts to deal with Covid-19 in the country. This has been realized through various efforts, such as increasing the capacity of specimen examination and increasing the number of laboratories for sample testing in several regions in Indonesia.

The Covid-19 Handling Task Force showed data that the laboratory for testing Covid-19 specimen samples reached 377 labs in the last 7 months. The addition of the lab is expected to accelerate efforts to tracing and testing Covid-19 patients, so that the handling of Covid-19 can be optimized.

              With the increase in laboratories, the average specimen examination has reached 270 thousand specimens from around 33 thousand people per day. Each person can be sampled more than one. In other words, the average number of specimen examinations was 82.51% of the target of the World Health Organization (WHO).

              This data also shows that the Indonesian Government is serious and continues to be optimistic in increasing the capacity of specimen examination for handling Covid-19 in the country.

              This achievement has at the same time achieved the target expected by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, namely the examination of 30 thousand people per day.

              Head of the Covid-19 Handling Task Force Doni Monardo also showed that the percentage of active Covid-19 cases in the country continues to decline. According to the records of the Covid-19 Handling Task Force, in the past month there has been a decrease in active cases by 6.79%. This is a better achievement when compared to other countries whose active cases are still increasing.

              Doni revealed, on September 20, the percentage of active cases was 23.6%, then on October 21 it became 16.81%. There was a decrease of 6.79%. This is of course an extraordinary achievement, where currently there are many countries with an increase in positive cases.             

              He also showed that the cure rate for Covid-19 patients in Indonesia had increased by 7.2%. This figure has also exceeded the WHO standard.

              The increase in the recovery of Covid-19 patients is also evidence that health workers, doctors, nurses and other medical teams have the capacity and ability to treat patients. This of course must also be appreciated.

              He also expressed his gratitude to the doctors and nurses, who have worked hard so that the total growth rate in all regions has increased.

              In addition, Doni also said that the progress of these achievements could not be separated from the cooperation and hard work of all components in the regions. So that all elements involved in handling Covid-19 deserve appreciation.

              Previously, Minister of National Development Planning (PPN / Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa said optimism was one thing that needed to be maintained in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. Because, no one can predict when this epidemic will end.

              The Covid-19 pandemic is still infecting several countries in the world, including Indonesia. According to Suharso , not all countries in the world are implementing the same thing to fight the virus that originated from China. Where each country and region has its own policies.

              This optimism was also strengthened by the results of a survey from KedaiKopi, which conducted a survey of public opinion on the development of the red and white vaccine to measure how green people’s knowledge of the corona virus vaccine developed in Indonesia.

              The survey results show that 70.7 percent of people are optimistic that the red and white vaccine can solve the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia.

              The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, has also given his appreciation for the spirit of mutual cooperation and innovation shown by the Indonesian nation’s children to help the country fight the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

              According to Jokowi, this pandemic situation is indeed difficult. However , he is grateful that these difficulties have created a spirit of mutual cooperation, mutual help and shared burdens among various elements of society.

              He also invited the nation’s children to continue to be optimistic that Indonesia could be sure to solve this problem independently.

              This optimism must of course be maintained, because the Covid-19 pandemic has had a serious impact on national health and economy. This optimism must also be accompanied by an attitude of mutual help and mutual care.

) * The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Circle (LSISI)

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