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The Role of the Media Maintaining Nation’s Stability is One of the Keys to the Success of National Development Policy


By: Siska Amelia

National development is a series of sustainable development efforts that encompass the entire life of the community, nation and state in order to realize the goals of national development. This is in accordance with the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution which reads to protect the entire nation, and all of Indonesia’s blood. In addition to creating public welfare, educating the life of the nation, and participating in carrying out world order based on freedom, eternal peace and social justice.

In realizing this development, conducive situations and conditions of the domestic environment are needed. Development will run smoothly when the stability of the country is not disturbed and harmonious. For this reason, the harmony of the nation must be guarded, we must all fight various threats originating from the rise of Hoax news, radical propaganda and acts of terrorism and other threats that can hamper the course of national development in all fields.

As a democratic nation, we must uphold the constitutional sovereignty of the people. But unfortunately there are still groups of community movements that are still provoking the circulation of hoaxes and slander, a series of hate speech until finally the issue of SARA also colors various events that occur in this nation. Therefore, the media has an important role in counteracting the spread of hoax news and other negative news by presenting various information that educates and spread the spirit of unity and unity. Instead of participating in spreading information that is not necessarily true and actually causes division.

Besides having a role as social control of government policies, the media is also responsible for educating the public. Because it must be recognized that in realizing national development the government will certainly issue policies that are deemed capable of realizing the success of national development. However, sometimes there are still various parties who are not ready to democracy so that they create an issue or information that aims to thwart various existing policies. This is precisely considered out of the spirit of togetherness in realizing national development. The reason is that these irresponsible people are willing to spread the hoax so that a policy which is judged to be inappropriate should fail to be implemented. Therefore the media must play a role in guarding government policies without a hoax for the sake of staying in order to maintain a sense of optimism. The community is to realize the success of national development.

Then in responding to hoaxes that are often circulated, especially in the digital era like now, the importance of the role of the media to educate the public, especially citizens, so that they are able to filter the information received. This is useful so that later citizens are not only recipients of information but they also have the responsibility in providing education to the community and other citizens. The message of literacy by citizens must then be conveyed properly through content and positive narration to the public.

The hope, with citizens contributing to making massive positive posts in the future they are able to reduce the spread of hoax that occurs in Indonesia. Therefore this media literacy effort is important in order to succeed national development in the next 5 years for the progress of the nation. In addition, by spreading information and media coverage that can educate its readers, it is hoped that it can foster national optimism in realizing advanced Indonesia.

) * Social Media Practitioners

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