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By: Zav Hidayatullah) *

Since the opening of freedom of information and media technology, the growth of mass media and new media has increased significantly. Communication media that have metamorphosed into digital media are increasingly diverse, more easily represented by the growth of smartphones and the like.

Today the penetration of various types of media has penetrated into various circles and communities in society, without distinguishing social and economic strata. The use of smartphone communication media and the like has shifted to certain people’s lifestyles. So do not be surprised if the life of our society today can not be separated by the presence of communication media technology.

Media literacy exists as a bastion for the public to be critical of media content, as well as determine the information needed from the media. Media literacy is needed in the midst of information saturation, high media exposure, and various problems in the information that surround our daily lives.
in the National Literacy Movement (GLN) Symposium on December 22, 2019 in Madiun, Deputy Assistant of Elementary Education for Elementary Education and Education Ministry of PMK, Femmy Eka Kartika Putri, said that literacy has a positive contribution in helping to grow and develop creations and innovations as well as improving skills and social skills that are highly needed in the industrial revolution era 4.0. The low literacy culture is a serious problem. So, it is necessary to foster literacy culture through various Literacy Movement activities from an early age in order to produce literacy competencies.
Communities need to support each other in literacy efforts, one of which is by controlling information or messages received. Media literacy provides guidance on how to take control of the information provided by the media. The more media literate a person is, the more able the person is to see the boundary between the real world and the world constructed by the media.

The person will also have a clearer map to help determine direction in the media world better. In short, the more media literate a person is, the more capable the person is to build the desired life than to let the media build our lives as the media want but not in accordance with the character they have so that in the end they only become victims of changing times.

The development of media literacy in various aspects has an extraordinary effect in delivering messages to the public or the public. Government programs need to be supported in including the distribution of knowledge to all Indonesian people. Very large people’s participation is needed in realizing the Government program for the next 5 years. Not only those who are in direct contact with the program, but all aspects of human development as a whole in order to lead a better life.

For this development, the media also has a role to play in the development of the nation through its function, one of which is to disseminate Government programs through media literacy. The media also has an important role in counteracting the spread of hoax news and other negative news by presenting various information that educates and spreads the spirit of unity and unity. Not just criticism and even more to participate in spreading information that is not necessarily true and actually cause divisions. In the current information age the media has a strategic role in advancing the nation.

On the other hand, the emergence of citizens is no less important than citizens who receive direct literacy. In fact, the internet world is said to be more effective in delivering information without knowing the time and place. Thus, the synergy of human beings with the government through the literacy program is very effective in educating citizens in an effort to support the progress of the country. Giving an optimistic hashtag in developing Indonesia is an easy one to do but it has a big influence on the psychology of citizens. Moreover, by including illustrations that are easily captured, making digital media literacy is far more powerful. Therefore, the role of government and media people as well as public awareness in developing and increasing literacy is useful in counteracting various negative issues and being able to advance Indonesia by intelligently contributing to the success of the Five-Year National Development Program.

) * The writer is a political observer

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