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AMN gives birth to a generation of qualified successors with high competitiveness


By: Samuel Christian Galal)*

The University of Nusantara (AMN) is able to give birth to generations of qualified nation successors with high competitiveness even in the international arena due to the numerous establishments and buildings of the National Intelligence Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BIN RI) as the initiators of the program.

With the birth of successive generations of nations that have high competitiveness and quality, it is not impossible that the children who will inherit the sustainability staff of this country can bring Indonesia into an increasingly advanced country.

Of course, the effort is not easy or can be realized instantly only in a short time. There needs to be a mature preparation, so that the Government of RI realizes the program of the Nusantara Student’s Home (AMN) to prepare the young generation of the nation’s successors so that they are more qualified and highly competitive.

Academic of the University of Eleven March (UNS), Prof. Dr. Ravik Karsidi M.S., assessed that there must be continuous efforts to improve the quality of education in order to create a generation of nation who are qualified and have high competitiveness.

Qualitative human resource development (HRD) is an absolute necessity to overcome the peak demographic bonus period in Indonesia, so the exploitation of such momentum will actually further lift the nation’s economy to get out of the middle-income country trap.

However, building a high-quality SDM is not an easy or easy task, so it should be a shared responsibility. Therefore, it is very important that there is a role and every citizen of the community in fully supporting the promotion of education that is social justice, such as the program of the Nusantara Student Hall. (AMN).

Building human resources, especially those of the younger generation of the nation is basically an effort to build human beings both as subjects, as objects and as a beneficiary of development that covers the entire human life cycle even from the womb to the end of its life.

Improving the quality of education services, as the Government has done through the initiation of the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) in the Nusantara Student’s Home (AMN) program, has become one of the important determinants in order to increase access to the Human Development Index. (IPM).

It is not surprising that the Government continues to promote the development of human resources, especially among the young generation of qualified and highly competitive nationals through education to students or students.

For instance, education itself has a strategic position in order to realize human development efforts because it has a function to develop the full potential of students so that they can become believing people, fearful of the One God, noble morals, healthy, knowledgeable, competent, creative, independent, skilled and competent and also cultural for the benefit of the nation.

The educational process should be able to produce more productive and competitive SDMs. So the Government of RI provides a variety of provision and training programmes, including in the Nusantara Student Hall (AMN) to prepare the young generation of the nation’s descendants in entering the world of work, so that they can experience enhanced competence or acquire new forms of skills.

Meanwhile, the Director of the Strategic Prasarana of the Ministry of Public Works and People’s Housing (PUPR), Mr. Essy Asia, said that the presence of AMN is indeed a container to prepare the students of the next generation of the nation so that they are more qualified, integrated, and also have a strong national character so as to be able to compete globally.

In addition to providing very adequate and complete facilities, the Nusantara Student Hall also provides many forms of support and training to young people in various aspects of their lives.

There, the students will receive both academic and non-academic training aimed at increasing their skills and expertise.

In order to improve the quality and competitiveness of young people, AMN also cooperates with various other stakeholders such as universities, industry and other institutions or ministries in providing relevant training and experience to students regarding the world of work.

The head of the National Intelligence Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BIN RI), General of the Police (Purn) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan later stated that the existence of National Student Hall is an affirmative step to reduce the gaps, mainly in terms of access to education.

The resurrection of the magnificent building is a follow-up to the direct order of RI President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who wants the Indonesian people to have a model of homelessness.

As directed by the Head of State, then BIN initiated the construction of AMN which aims to become a model of a household of dignity, a common home of Nusantara for the entire young generation of the nation’s successors by ordering the values of Pancasila and Bhinneka Singular Ika.

So it is no wonder that AMN is able to give birth to a young generation of qualified nation successors with high competitiveness, even able to compete with anyone on the international arena. The public is also invited to continue to support the existence of AMN in order to form cadres of leaders of the nation that are tolerant and able to bring this nation into Indonesia 2045.

)* The author is a contributor to the Indomedia Gala Foundation

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