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Residents of Rempang Island are starting to agree to be relocated, investment will start soon


By : David Kiva Prambudi )*

Residents on Rempang Island are starting to agree to relocate from Rempang Island to Tanjung Banong. So with the approval of these residents, it indicates that the Indonesian Government’s efforts to handle the conflict are very appropriate steps and deserve very high appreciation, so that in this way, investment can start as soon as possible.

The Minister of Investment who also serves as Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Bahlil Lahadalia, revealed that a number of residents on Rempang Island have agreed to relocate. This approval from the community also indicates that the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) has been very successful in making efforts to handle the conflict there.

Therefore, with this success, Member of Commission VI of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI), Abdul Hakim Bafagih gave very high appreciation regarding all the steps that had been taken by the government to ensure that the conflict in Rempang was handled optimally.

The reason is, to be able to provide certainty to all local communities, where previously they had intensified their refusal to be relocated because of investment in the Rempang area. It is clear, now that people are willing to relocate, the government’s efforts to resolve the problem through the Minister of Investment are worthy of emulation in many other regions.

In particular, how to take a direct approach that goes all the way down to all residents’ homes to find out what the root of the problems that occur in the community are, including listening to their complaints and what aspirations they want to convey to resolve conflicts in a family manner. .

The efforts regarding how to mitigate conflict, which have experienced great success by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, deserve to be given the highest possible appreciation, because what has been done by all the parties involved is a very extraordinary thing by having the courage to face it directly and convey what the problem is so that it can be resolved. knowing the common ground and solutions that the community wants, then being able to convey very clearly and very openly that at the beginning there was indeed a misunderstanding or there was a communication gap that had not yet reached the community regarding the Rempang project.

All the steps that have been taken by the Indonesian Government so that investment on Rempang Island can run well, but on the other hand without ignoring how the rights owned by the local community deserve to be fully supported by various groups and elements of society.

This is because investment on Rempang Island will clearly be very supportive of improving the national economy, in particular being able to improve the welfare and economic level of the local community itself. Very firmly and clearly, the government’s support is aimed at all local communities in the Rempang area.

Even though it fully supports all the communities around Rempang, on the other hand, the Indonesian Government is also continuing to make efforts to realize the investment which is predicted to be able to continue to improve the national economy, so that investment should not just stop.

No half-hearted, in fact the projection of the total investment value is up to 174 trillion Rupiah, which is divided into glass factories and several other factories. The interests of all communities in the Rempang area also continue to be accommodated by the government and on the other hand, entrepreneurs who wish to invest capital also continue to receive clear certainty.

Because, this is also in accordance with the constitutional mandate in the Entrepreneur Law, where they should also be able to obtain clear certainty and also be able to receive the same treatment, without differentiating whether it is from foreign parties or from domestic parties.

The Indonesian Government’s decision regarding the plan to relocate residents from Rempang Island to Tanjung Banong continues to bring a lot of praise from various parties. Because in this way, the sustainability of the activities of residents who previously worked as fishermen and also farmers will still be maintained.

The decision to relocate to Tanjung Banong was also a very appropriate step, because if, for example, people were relocated to a mountainous area, their livelihoods, which are usually fishing, would naturally die. There is great hope that with this much more concrete certainty, the whole community will be happy and investment can be carried out immediately.

The existence of investment from various parties to Indonesia, especially in the Rempang Area development project, is indeed a very important thing to do and continues to be supported by all parties in society. The reason is, with this investment, it is also able to improve the country’s economy and also the economy of the community itself.

)* The author is a Yudistira Institute Contributor

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