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Various National Programs Have Proven to Be Successful in Prospering the Papuan People


By : Pras Yauw Hehanussa )*

Various flagship national programs and also national strategic projects (PSN) which continue to be intensified, in fact have experienced extraordinary success in improving the welfare of society in all corners of the country, especially this is felt by the people in Eastern Indonesia, namely the people in Papua .

Through the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK), Muhadjir Effendy immediately attempted to follow up on various directions given by the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in the context of development and also handling the post-drought disaster. hit Puncak Regency some time ago.

No half-hearted, the government is even present directly among the Papuan people to ensure how the development program in Puncak Regency, especially in Sinak District and its surroundings, is running very well.

There have been several development programs that will be implemented by the Indonesian Government in Puncak Regency, namely some of them are the runway extension program in Puncak Regency, then there is the construction of a logistics warehouse as one of the regional strategic programs as well as the construction program for the Sinak-Ilaga, Sinak-Agandugume and Sinak-Noble.

In the first stage, the runway at Sinak Airport was extended, which was important to do because by extending the runway at Sinak Airport itself so that larger aircraft could carry various kinds of construction materials, as well as being able to transport various kinds of logistics materials so that they could landed easily in Puncak Regency.

Of course, all the development efforts being intensified by the government will not be able to succeed smoothly if they are not accompanied by support from various elements of local society, including community leaders, to further facilitate development.

This also includes efforts to continue to maintain conduciveness and security in the Puncak Regency area which is very important to continue to intensify because it will further facilitate all processes and efforts to accelerate development carried out by the Indonesian Government.

On this occasion, Assistant 1 to the Central Papua Provincial Government (Pemprov), Ausilus You and Puncak Regent Wilem Wandik expressed their very high appreciation and admitted that they really welcomed the attention and seriousness shown by the Central Government to their region.

According to him, everything that has been done by the government, even visiting directly at Bumi Cenderawasih several times, is a very real form of seriousness in accelerating equitable development in all corners of the country.

All the people in Puncak Regency admitted that they were very happy with this development, and they all admitted that they really missed the various other development programs carried out by the Central Government.

Meanwhile, in celebration of Special Autonomy Day (Otsus), the Southwest Papua Provincial Government (Pemprov) is also intensifying various programs which are very useful for improving the welfare of all people in the Land of Papua. The South West Papua Provincial Government handed over aid for stunting and extreme poverty programs to districts or cities in the region through synergy with several parties such as the Stunting Reduction Acceleration Team (TPPS) and also the Poverty Reduction Coordination Team (TKPK).

The handover of the aid was carried out directly by the Acting Governor of Southwest Papua, Mohammad Musa’ad and the Acting Chair of the PKK Mobilization Team for Southwest Papua Province, Ariyani Musa’ad.

The guarantee package for the first thousand days of life (Guava of Life) provided includes nutritious food for pregnant women and toddlers, as well as contact materials and incentives for nutrition counselors or posyandu.

So far, the emphasis that continues to be given by the Central Government and the Provincial Government with the existence of special autonomy (Otsus) in Papua is to achieve prosperity, especially for the indigenous Papuan community (OAP) itself. Furthermore, it focuses on several key issues such as the education and health sectors.

The use of Special Autonomy funds in Southwest Papua itself is also realized in the existence of an old age insurance protection program (PAITUA) for all people in Southwest Papua Province who are elderly or 65 years and over. No half-hearted, in fact the total budget that has been prepared from the Special Autonomy funds for the PAITUA program is 40 billion Rupiah. Of course, by providing this assistance, it is hoped that it will be able to further improve the welfare of the community by increasing the level of health and purchasing power of the community.

Head of the Regional Development Planning, Research and Innovation Agency (Bapperida) for Southwest Papua Province, Rahman said that when talking about Special Autonomy for Papua, there will be three things that are prioritized, namely how to make the people of Bumi Cenderawasih smarter, healthier and more productive.

The government itself, both from the central and local governments, has a very strong commitment to utilizing it so that the management of Special Autonomy funds can be planned, implemented and evaluated much better. Because in this way, the activities or various programs implemented will be much more targeted, in order to create a much more prosperous indigenous Papuan (OAP) community.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Kupang

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