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Appreciating BLT BBM for MSMEs


By: Savira Ayu)*

The BBM Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) provided to the community is a positive step from the government after the fuel price adjustment. This program certainly deserves appreciation because in addition to providing BLT to workers with a salary of less than Rp. 3.5 million, the government has also prepared BLT BBM for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

Minister of Cooperatives and MSMEs Teten Masduki said that his party had proposed a new assistance scheme for MSMEs affected by the increase in subsidized fuel prices. The assistance will be in the form of a grant.

Teten said the amount of grant funds for MSMEs or BLT MSMEs would be the same as the BPUM program amounting to Rp 1.2 million. The MSME BLT of Rp 1.2 million will be given to MSMEs in the culinary sector that use 3 Kg LPG. It’s just that the disbursement mechanism and how many MSMEs are targeted as recipients of BLT BBM MSMEs are still being discussed.

The MSME BLT program is being finalized with relevant ministries such as the Ministry of Finance to the Ministry of SOEs carefully so that it is right on target.

For information, the Banpres for Productive Micro Enterprises (BPUM) or BLT MSMEs is assistance in the form of money given to micro business actors whose sources are from the APBN. In 2021, BPUM will be given Rp 1.2 million for MSME actors who have met the criteria or conditions.

The requirements for SMEs to receive BPUM are businesses that have never received BPUM funds before. Meanwhile, in 2022, the Presidential Secretariat said that this assistance would be continued with an amount of Rp 600,000 with the same criteria.

Meanwhile, Sri Mulyani Indrawati as the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) has said that Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has given instructions so that regions can use the regional revenue and expenditure budget (APBD) to minimize the impact of fuel price adjustments.

Sri Mulyani said, related to inflation control issues, especially in areas where the role of governors, mayors, regents is very important, detecting early possible movements of prices, especially those from food, transportation and others.

The Minister of Finance added that the government has provided a legal umbrella in using the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) and Regional Budget instruments, namely the General Allocation Fund (DAU) and the Revenue Sharing Fund (DBH), where the two percent of which can be used to reduce the possibility of potential price increases in the regions. -area.

In addition, Sri Mulyani also hopes that local governments can distribute aid quickly, accurately and accountably to be able to handle the potential for possible price increases.

The central government will monitor through BPS data every month the ability of the regions to handle inflation and stabilize prices in their regions. Sri added that as an intervention, the central government will provide incentives in the form of the Regional Incentive Fund (DID) for local governments that can control or keep inflation lower than the national level.

Currently, the Bandung City Government (Pemkot) has rolled out BLT for 2,854 MSME actors to reduce the threat of inflation due to fuel price adjustments. The assistance is prioritized for non-formal MSME actors, such as street vendors, traveling or hawkers and other micro-scale MSMEs.

In addition to providing assistance, the City Government also provides assistance for these MSMEs, so that the condition of price increases or inflation that occurs does not kill the efforts of MSME actors.

Atet Budiman as the Head of the Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises Office, said that his party also encourages MSME actors to utilize information technology, so that MSME actors can adapt to the situation and have an impact on business development.

Meanwhile, the Jepara Regency Government (Pemkab) through the Department of Cooperatives, SMEs, Manpower and Transmigration (Diskopukmnakertrans) of Jepara Regency, has proposed the names of entrepreneurs to be able to get MSME BLT.

A total of 3,903 MSME actors have submitted to the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs through the Central Java Provincial Government. The Regency Government also hopes that in the future the BLT MSME recipients can take advantage of the assistance properly. Thus, assistance can be targeted and useful for MSME actors who do need capital injections.

On a different occasion, Special Staff of the Ministry of Finance Yustinus Prastowo said that currently, the MSME BLT program is still in the maturation stage so that the distribution is right on target. The government has also set the conditions for obtaining the 2022 MSME BLT.

One of the conditions for receiving BLT UMKM is that the recipient is not a state civil apparatus (ASN) including members of the Police or TNI, BUMN employees or BUMD employees.

In addition, prospective BLT MSME recipients are also confirmed not to be receiving credit or financing from banks and KUR.

Program for giving BLT BBM to perpetrators

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