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Investors Interested in IKN Development Constructions


By : Guntur Eko Saputra *)

Citing the opinion of the Minister of National Development Planning, Suharso Monoarfa who claims that many investors are interested in investing their capital in the National Capital City (IKN) Nusantara development project, the author argues that investor interest has the potential to generate profits in the State Capital through several types of investment related to housing, schools, hotels, retail (entertainment) and also hotels.

According to the author, in the future there will be many people who want to live there, starting with government officials first, followed by people who start arriving to send their children to school, visiting retail and hotels that are used as meeting rooms. This will be the opening for the development of the real sector industry so that IKN will become the center of new economic growth.

However, based on the news that the author reads, investors are still waiting for the legal umbrella governing investment in IKN which has been submitted by Suharso to President Joko Widodo and is expected to be completed in the next two weeks starting from June 13, 2022. namely regulating the provision of incentives and incentives to investors in the form of fiscal and non-fiscal incentives.

Based on the research that the author got, IKN development will begin in the second half of 2022 starting from some work in the field. In line with the author, Bambang Susantono as the Head of the IKN Authority said that the work in the field that will be carried out is related to land development or important accesses, such as logistics and several routes for infrastructure. Bambang Susantono continued, he hopes that in 2023 there will be development on a larger scale that has been targeted.

Meanwhile, previously President Joko Widodo in his directive requested that the Transitional Team for Supporting the Preparation, Development and Transfer of IKN immediately implement and finalize the planning for the development of the new capital city. The ministries that are members of the Transitional Team have consolidated and coordinated so that the targets to be achieved in 2024 can be achieved.

However, according to the author, what needs to be considered in the implementation of development is to pay attention to environmental conditions and interactions with local communities. So that development can run smoothly and the local community also supports the IKN development carried out. In the future, the author hopes that the economy in Indonesia will be more advanced with the development of the National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago.

*The author is a contributor to the Jayabaya Institute

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