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Making Indonesia Developed: Government Accelerates Sustainable Development of Papua


By: Hendrik Pattipawae

The Indonesian government, which is integrated with the local Regional Government (Pemda), continues to intensify the sustainable development of Papua, in order to create an Indonesia that is much more advanced and modern, able to overcome various kinds of problems that occur even at the global level.

The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / National Land Agency (ATR / BPN) has a very strong commitment to being able to play a role in realizing Indonesia as a developed and increasingly modern country in the future, especially in the regional development sector which is carried out in a sustainable manner, including even in regional the eastern tip of Indonesia, namely the Land of Papua.

In line with this strong commitment, the Ministry of ATR/BPN then submitted a Regional Spatial Planning Substance Approval document (Persub RTRW) for the Province of Papua. With the existence of the RTRW document, it will become a reference for how to develop cities, invest and organize space which continues to consider aspects of environmental sustainability, disaster mitigation and tourism development and so on.

Regarding this matter, Hadi Tjahjanto as Minister of ATR or Head of BPN requested that the Spatial Planning Plan must be a commander that can be obeyed by all parties without exception. With the issuance of this Persub, it is hoped that the Acting Governor and the Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD) in Papua Province can as soon as possible stipulate it in a Regional Regulation (Perda) so that it can be realized more optimally.

At least, the Ministry of ATR / BPN has given a maximum deadline of up to two months for the enactment of the Regional Regulation as referring to the Sub RTRW Regulation that has been issued, as stipulated in the legislation, so that the Papua Province RTRW can have a clear legal standing.

Because, with the determination of the Provincial RTRW, it will also become a reference for preparing RTRW at the Regency and/or City level along with a Detailed Spatial Planning Plan (RDTR). If, for example, all Acting Governors in Papua are able to immediately complete the RDTR and integrate it into the Online Single Submission (OSS) system until completion is supported by the PTSL (Complete Systematic Land Registration) certification program including a certification program for various customary land rights, then it is clear will make it easier to map the RDTR.

On the other hand, with a very clear RDTR in a region, it will also open up more opportunities for investors to be able to enter and invest their capital in Indonesia, so that other benefits will be obtained by all people in Bumi Cenderawasih, namely being able to improve the economy. in their region and at the same time be able to open up employment opportunities for indigenous Papuans (OAP).

On the other hand, if the RDTR does not exist or is not immediately completed by the Acting Governor and the local government, then investors who have actually looked at it and are interested in investing, will actually be afraid of the investors who have come to Indonesia because they want to get the KKPR ( Suitability of Space Utilization Activities) as well as spatial utilization, business permits cannot even get RDTR.

Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Papua (Unipa), Jonni Marwa, said that the preparation of the Strategic Environmental Study (KLHS) document could be an instrument in realizing a strong commitment to sustainable development in Papua.

Because in certain situations, the KLHS can be used as a recommendation for environmental impact analysis (AMDAL) of future development activities. Then the Head of the West Papua Environment and Land Service (DLHP), Reymond RH Yap, also said that the preparation of the KLHS document was very useful for various long-term regional development plans (RPJPD) from 2025 to 2045 in order to be able to control development activities.

Another benefit is being able to prevent several things that might not be expected to happen as a result of these development activities. The applicability of KLHS documents which were previously from the Regency or City level then also became part of the preparation of KLHS at the provincial level, so that the implementation of sustainable development can run optimally.

High appreciation should also be given to the local Regional Government (Pemda), where they have formed a working group team (Pokja) for KLHS preparation and continue to involve academic elements from the University of Papua. This also includes opening up more space for public consultation to accommodate the aspirations of the entire community in completing the KLHS RRJPD 2025 to 2045 documents.

The sustainable development of Papua continues to be accelerated by the Indonesian Government in collaboration with the local regional government. With this sustainable development, it is clear that Indonesia will become more advanced and modern in the future.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Bali

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