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Governor warn toward Entrepreneur which is “non clean and clear (CnC)”

The obligation of Entrepreneur in Central Kalimantan according to Government regulation no 15/2016 must be followed
The obligation of Entrepreneur in Central Kalimantan according to Government regulation no 15/2016 must be followed

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – Many ways to increase the regional source income, such come from corporate world. Corporate world is assumed as one of potential regional source income. By its case, government of Central Kalimantan always efforts push corporate world in Central Kalimantan.

Central Kalimantan Governor H Sugianto Sabran, said that the party will always push the corporate world and investment in Central Kalimantan more open and conducive. Government also gives ease way in investment and corporate world.

But, government also warn, the ease ways will always be monitor and according to procedure by regulation.

For the moment, Sugianto, and his party effort to check the investment permit. It is because most of the permit is on status non clean and clear (CnC).

Then, governor hopes there will be no entrepreneur who is on status CnC by obligate the term and condition. By obligate the term and condition, governor believe that it will give positive contribution to regional on source income.

As the concrete step, Regional government issued regulation no 15 year 2016 about optimal the regional income.

In the governor regulation, entrepreneur emphasizes to obligate the rule, especially tax and non tax, both regional and centre government.

Besides that, the rules also obligate the entrepreneur to follow the six obligations for entrepreneur. The rules are using vehicle which has KH license plate, if using rent car the car must be KH license plate, buying BBM (refined fuel oil) from company that listed in Central Kalimantan, has account in Bank Kalteng, has branch office in Kalteng and has NPWP in Kalteng.

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