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Keeping Peace, Battalion 725 Woroagi In Training

Keeping Peace, Battalion 725 Woroagi In Training
Keeping Peace, Battalion 725 Woroagi In Training

By : Saiful*)

Battalion 725 Woroagi, Korem 143 Haluoleo Southeast Sulawesi Province, are in training as preparation for the assignment of security in the border region of Indonesia and Timor Leste. Woroagi Battalion soldiers will be sent to the border between Indonesia and Timor Leste in August 2015.

Woroagi 725 Battalion Commander Major (Inf) Nurman Syahreda in Kendari (13/2), said that the soldiers were prepared for border security. There are 350 soldiers from a total  650 people are undergoing training.

Physical training and weapons for the Army soldiers routinely, but to face assignment interstate security area, the training should be improved. Military personnel must be prepared physically and mentally to keep the peace between countries “said Nurman.

*) The Author Is Sulawesi Regional Contributors

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