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Appreciating Law Enforcement Against KST Papua


By: Loa Murib )*

The National Police emphasized its commitment to maintaining the stability of security and public order (Kamtibmas) in the Papua region by extending the implementation of the Cartenz Peace Operation until 31 December 2024. This operation, which has been in effect since 1 January, continues to focus on law enforcement against Separatist and Terrorist Groups (KST) in Papua.

National Police Chief Gen. Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, during a video conference at the end of 2023, told his members involved in the Cartenz Peace Operation to continue to ensure that there was no disruption to Public Order and Order in Papua. Security in the Papua Region is the most important thing in the progress of government and development in Papua. For this reason, the efforts of the National Police and TNI will continue to be optimized to prevent interference from KST Papua.

Head of Cartenz 2024 Peace Operations, Police Commissioner Faizal Ramadhani, announced the extension of the implementation of this operation until 31 December 2024. The operation was extended to maintain the stability of security and public order (Kamtibmas) in the Papua region. The main focus of this operation is law enforcement against KST which is still a serious threat in Papua.

According to Faizal, the approach applied in the 2024 Cartenz Peace Operation is still in line with the work pattern of previous years. This approach includes community development, detection, and community relations, all supported by a law enforcement task force. The target of the operation involves the Central Papua and Mountain Papua Provinces, with a focus on nine specific districts.

AKBP Bayu Suseno, Head of the Cartenz 2024 Peace Ops Public Relations Task Force, emphasized that the main focus of this operation is law enforcement against KST Papua. He noted that one of the challenges still being faced was the hostage case of Susi Air Pilot, Captain Philip Mark Mehrtens, by KST Nduga Leader Egianus Kogoya. In this context, the 2024 operation is expected to resolve these problems effectively.

In 2023, firm action was successfully taken against 19 KST members who were paralyzed. A total of 124 other people were subject to law enforcement, including 25 people who had reached the P-21 stage (complete case files), 34 people in the investigation stage, and 65 people in the investigation stage. During this operation, Cartenz 2023 Peace Task Force personnel succeeded in confiscating 32 weapons, 1,279 bullets, 25 magazines, 107 communication devices, 31 sharp weapons and 334 other pieces of evidence.

Arip Nurahman from AMMI expressed his appreciation for the National Police’s steps to extend the Peace Cartenz operation. According to him, the National Police have made significant achievements in maintaining Public Order and Order in the Papua region, and it is hoped that this operation can maintain law enforcement efforts against KST. This appreciation shows support from the community, especially students and millennials, for the National Police’s firm actions in dealing with security threats in Papua.

Responding to the operation which focuses on law enforcement against KST Papua, Arip Nurahman welcomed this step because he believed it could create a safer and more peaceful Papua. He emphasized that law enforcement must continue to be encouraged, considering that acts of terror and violence carried out by KST have caused significant damage to public facilities such as health centers and schools. In fact, KST’s atrocities have caused many deaths of indigenous Papuan civilians.

AMMI’s appreciation shows that law enforcement efforts against KST have received support from various levels of society, including students and millennials. With the extension of Operation Peace Cartenz 2024, it is hoped that the security situation in Papua can continue to be improved, while law enforcement efforts can create a safer and more peaceful environment for the Papuan people. This support is important to achieve the common goal of maintaining the integrity and security of the Papua region.

It is important to note that in implementing the Cartenz Peace Operation, the police emphasized the use of a hard approach that still upholds human rights (HAM) in dealing with disturbances carried out by KST Papua and its network. This shows the government’s commitment to resolving the conflict in Papua while still prioritizing human rights principles.

By extending Operation Peace Cartenz until the end of 2024, it is hoped that the security situation in Papua can continue to improve. It is hoped that law enforcement efforts against KST can create a safer and more peaceful environment for the Papuan people. The government continues to strive to overcome emerging challenges, including serious cases such as hostage-taking, in order to achieve the ultimate goal of law enforcement and peace in the region.

*) The author is a Papuan student in Surabaya

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