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KST is the source of conflict in Papua, must be dealt with firmly!


By : Timothy GObay )*

Group Separatists and Terrorists ( KST ) spread terror in Oksibil Papua by attacking security forces and burning school buildings. Their actions were criticized by the public because they always rioted. KST must be eradicated so that no one else becomes a victim, both civilians and security forces.

KST is an armed group that is an accomplice of the OPM (Free Papua Organization). They are ambitious to defect and do not want to comply with all regulations from the government. However, instead they terrorized the people in order to realize their demand, namely to become independent and form the Federal Republic of West Papua.

It is very wrong if there are claims that the people support the separatist group. The reason is because the people hate KST, because it always hurts indigenous Papuans. Especially when they carried out successive attacks in Oksibil , Gunung Bintang, Papua.

On January 7, 2023 KST attacked a motorcycle taxi driver in Oksibil . He then reported to the authorities and the police came to carry out security. After that KST and the security forces exchanged fire and there were 3 injured victims from the security forces.

A few days later KST also carried out an attack and arson at a SMK in Oksibil . The Head of the Public Relations Division of the Papua Regional Police, Kombes Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo, stated that KST set fire to a school on January 9, 2023. In that incident there were no casualties but teaching and learning activities were temporarily suspended.

The KST terror in Oksibil was spontaneously criticized by the public. Moreover, the burning of schools is not for the first time. In 2022, they also set fire to a school in Hitadipa District , Intan Jaya Regency. Apart from setting fire, at that time they also mistreated a teacher.

When KST set fires, all the students lost because they couldn’t study, and they and their teachers were afraid that there would be another attack. Teaching and learning activities had to stop temporarily for several days. The community criticized the KST terror because they hindered indigenous Papuans from progressing through the education sector.

Then, KST always carried out attacks and recklessly attacked security forces. Even though of course the security forces had more complete weapons, but they attacked arrogantly. The security forces are often attacked first because they represent the Indonesian government which is hated by KST members.

KST must indeed be eradicated because it does not get any sympathy from the public. They don’t want to be invited to defect because they are loyal and love the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Why set up your own country if being part of Indonesia is already prosperous? Moreover, under the administration of President Jokowi, the people of Papua are given great attention and various infrastructures are built for the sake of common prosperity.

The KST terror in Oksibil and other areas in Papua must be prevented. Therefore, the community fully supports the eradication of KST, for the sake of mutual security. The community supports the arrest of KST because they are tired of the various terrors perpetrated by the separatist group. Apart from physical terror , there is also mental terror, both in the real world and in cyberspace. How unsettling.

Meanwhile, the Chief of the Puncak District, Abelom Kogoya, criticized the successive KST attacks in Oksibil . He also refused the arrival of KST in his area. Abelom does not want an armed conflict in Puncak Regency. Especially after there was an attack and caused eight residents to die. Abelom attended the funeral of one of the victims, Beby Tabuni, and strongly criticized the KST attack.

As a tribal chief, Abelom rejected KST because he had the heart to kill his people. KST is indiscriminate in attacking. Both migrants and native Papuans can be attacked with firearms and cause casualties. Apart from that they also often take the assets and food of the Papuan people so that their actions are considered criminal acts.

Therefore he supports the arrest of KST members because they have harmed the Papuan people, especially the tribes in Puncak Regency. KST must be eradicated so that Papua remains safe without fear of attack by sharp weapons or firearms. Don’t let KST make people afraid and harm people because they can’t work in peace.

Abelom continued, if there were KST members, the community would immediately contact the security forces to make an arrest. They don’t want to accommodate KST members for fear of being splashed out with punishment and being exposed to cases. Even though the KST members were scary, they spontaneously called the authorities so that they would be arrested as soon as possible and were not worried that they would be bullied by the separatist group.

The KST terror in Oksibil really disturbed the community. Therefore, all Papuans support the eradication of KST. KST has never been supported by Papuan civilians. On the other hand, the people are anti-KST because they commit various crimes. Starting from attacks with firearms, killing civilians and security forces, as well as destroying public facilities. )* Writer is Papuan students live in Gorontalo

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