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Papuan Religious and Customary Leaders Support KPK Dismantling the Corruption Case of Luke Enembe


By: Alfred Jigibalom )*

The corruption case involving the Governor of Papua, Lukas Enembe, has really tarnished the name of Papua. Therefore, religious and traditional leaders in Bumi Cendrawasih support the KPK to disassemble the case thoroughly.

Since becoming the Governor of Papua in 2013, Lukas Enembe is famous for giving scholarships to indigenous Papuans. But it turns out that he was exposed to a corruption case so that the public turned to distrust him. How can the Papuan people not be angry if the governor corrupts state money and receives a gratuity of more than 1 trillion rupiah?

In Luke’s account which was opened, it turned out that there was Rp. 33 billion. Even though the governor’s salary is only Rp. 3 million, so it is impossible if that much money is obtained only from monthly salaries. Therefore, the Papuan people support the KPK in arresting Lukas Enembe and dismantling his case, because he has been absent from the summons.

Ismail Asso, a Papuan religious leader, supports that there is a legal process for Lukas Enembe, and he must be investigated by the KPK immediately. Ismail also asked the people of Papua to support the process of investigating his corruption case. Lukas is also expected to be more cooperative and submit himself to the KPK. If he feels innocent then don’t be afraid.

The appeal from Papuan religious leaders is very important because the Papuan people are obliged to support the investigation into the Lukas Enembe corruption case. Do not even be provoked by the propaganda that is deliberately spread, which assumes that this case is just a trap from political opponents. There are also residents who deliberately protect Luke and it was discovered that he was paid Rp. 300,000 to do it.

The investigation of Lukas Enembe must be carried out because his corruption reached trillions of rupiah, and he received a gratuity of 1 trillion rupiah. The enormous gratification is still compounded by corruption, which is obtained from the XX PON and special autonomy (otsus) funds.

Even Lukas is suspected to have money deposits in foreign banks of more than 2 trillion rupiah. This amount is of course very fantastic and does not make sense. Although before serving as governor he had also been a regional official, but not commensurate with his salary.

The people shouted to investigate and arrest Lukas Enembe because there was a flow of funds of more than 500 billion rupiah to an overseas gambling establishment. This is not slander because there is a CCTV camera recording when Lukas is gambling. Indeed, he has made two fatal mistakes, by gambling which is clearly prohibited by religious and state laws as well as corruption and laundering his money abroad.

Meanwhile, Papuan traditional leader Martinus Kasuay supports the KPK’s efforts to resolve the alleged corruption case involving Governor Lukas Enembe. The case is purely legal and is a private case. It has nothing to do with politicization and criminalization.

According to Martinus Kasuay, in Indonesia there are no citizens who are above the law. Even if the person has a position in the government. If there is an error (in Luke) then it must be punished, and vice versa, if there is no guilt will be acquitted. The Papuan people must understand the legal process that is taking place.

In a sense, Lukas must be arrested as soon as possible because he always does not attend the KPK’s summons. He even admitted that he had a stroke and asked for permission to go to Singapore for treatment. The reason for this illness is an old song and is always used by corruptors, when in fact it is only pretending. Permission will also not be granted and he could be banned from abroad, for fear of running away, or depositing the money in an overseas bank account.

Luke Enembe as an official cannot be privileged. All Indonesian citizens are equal before the law. So it is natural that he was caught by the security forces, because he did not want to obey the summons from the KPK.

In addition, there should be no residents who defend Luke Enembe and be consumed by his propaganda. He is pure corruption and even harms them, because the funds that should be for the benefit of the people, are actually enjoyed by themselves.

Indeed, there are several local Papuan officials who have defended Lukas Enembe and the reason is the same, namely allegations of corruption are just slander from political opponents. Even though the KPK has investigated the Luke corruption case since 2017 and collected evidence and witnesses.

Officials who defended Lukas clearly didn’t want him to be arrested and then confessed in front of KPK officials, because they were suspected to be members of the corrupt ‘mafia’ in Papua. Automatically if Luke is caught and admits all his actions, there will be many other people who will also be arrested, because they are both corrupt. It’s a shame because corruption is carried out by many officials who eat people’s money.

Traditional and religious leaders both encouraged the KPK to complete the Lukas Enembe corruption case, and stated how much money he had corrupted. Luke must get the punishment he deserves and take responsibility for his actions.

)* Author is ma

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