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Readiness of Security Forces in Responding to KST Papua Threats


By : Salmon Kadepa )*

The security forces acknowledge and are strongly committed to always being ready. This was in response to a threat issued by the Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) led by Egianus Kogoya, that they would carry out an attack on the capital city of Nduga as a response to the raid on their headquarters some time ago.

Deputy Regional Police Chief (Wakapolda) Papua, Brigadier General Ramdani Hidayat continues to instruct all ranks of his officers and also the joint security forces in Nduga Regency in Mountainous Papua Province in particular to remain alert.

This instruction was firmly conveyed to his staff, because this followed the successful raid carried out by security forces from joint personnel of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri) on the Papuan KST headquarters led by Egianus Kogoya recently. .

The mission to raid the terrorist gang’s nest also succeeded in killing 3 (three) KST leaders after a firefight between them and the security forces. After this incident, of course all members are now immediately prepared to anticipate various possibilities and potential retaliatory actions that might be carried out by KST.

It is also known that there was a threat made by Egianus Kogoya that he would carry out an attack in Kenyam, the capital of Nduga Regency. However, in response to these threats, security forces from joint personnel are always ready.

Even though he claims to be very ready and alert, there is one very important thing to emphasize, namely that in fact even at this moment, the security forces from joint personnel in Indonesia do not want any victims from any side, including indigenous Papuan civilians. OAP), or victims of the authorities themselves and absolutely no victims from opposing groups.

The reason, according to the Deputy Chief of Papua Regional Police, is because all parties are also human beings, even members of the separatist gangs in Bumi Cenderawasih, they are also human beings and are still considered as brothers and sisters.

What was stated by the Deputy Chief of Papua Regional Police is also in line with the expression of the Chairman of the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR RI) Bambang Soesatyo some time ago, in which he said that resolving the problem of separatist actions that continue to occur and are being carried out by KST Papua should actually be using a culture and welfare approach.

Therefore, it is very important that in responding and trying to resolve the problem of terrorist gangs in Bumi Cenderawasih it must be done comprehensively, but on the other hand there must also be firm and measurable action.

Currently, the Indonesian nation continues to be faced with various problems regarding the existence and resistance that continues to be carried out by KST Papua. Therefore, it is very important to resolve acts of separatism in the Land of Papua using a comprehensive approach and methods so that it can be much more optimal.

The purpose of comprehensive action which also takes into account cultural and welfare approaches is not just to take direct action against KST Papua, but firm action must also be taken against various parties who take action regarding the misappropriation of Special Autonomy (Otsus) funds for Bumi Cenderawasih.

By taking firm action against all parties who misappropriate these funds, it will of course also help improve the welfare of all members of the OAP community themselves because these funds can be used properly for their welfare.

Touching on how so far the Government’s efforts have also collaborated with many parties including the local Provincial Government (Pemprov) in order to accelerate the welfare of the people in Papua, one of which is the steps taken by the Central Papua Provincial Government which has formed 4 (four) Task Forces (Satgas) .

The four task forces that were formed were the stunting handling task force, the extreme poverty handling task force, the inflation task force and also the unemployment handling task force. The government has given a strong commitment to continue to improve the prosperity of the community, so that many approaches have been taken to resolve the many cases of resistance on Earth of Cenderawasih.

The security forces themselves also still and really need to act decisively, therefore they continue to be committed to being prepared, especially in several vulnerable areas following a raid on the KST Papua headquarters led by Egianus Kogoya, especially the threat that they would attack the capital. Nduga.

)* Papuan students live in Bandung

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