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Reduce Mobility and Crowd Prevent Omicron Transmission


By: Agung Suwandaru)*

The increasing number of Omicron cases in Indonesia has prompted the government to warn the public to reduce mobility and avoid crowds, as well as comply with health protocols.

How do we feel during a pandemic? The number of regulations may make some people feel strange, but they need to be aware that everything is made so as not to get Corona. Especially now that this virus has mutated into beta, gamma, delta, and finally Omicron variants, so it must strictly comply with health protocols.

Two points in the health protocol that the public must adhere to are reducing mobility and avoiding crowds. Spokesperson for Covid-19 doctor Siti Nadia Tarmizi stated that people should avoid crowds and wear masks, as well as mandatory vaccinations. In a sense, if you want to be safe from Corona, you must obey Prokes and vaccinations.

In addition to wearing double masks to strengthen filtration power, everyone is obliged to reduce mobility. Indeed, in the past few months the Corona cases have decreased after the strict implementation of the Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in Java and Bali. However, this is not an excuse for them to be free to travel like before the pandemic, because after the entry of the Omicron variant to Indonesia, the number of Covid-19 patients rose again from 200 to 500 per day.

The reduction in mobility is carried out because it has been proven that when there is mass movement, it automatically increases Corona cases. Moreover, the characteristics of the Omicron variant of the Covid-19 virus are much more virulent than the delta or other variants. Omicron can transmit 70 times faster, and when there is high mobility of society then what will happen?

Epidemiologists predict that if people are determined to carry out high mobility, there will be a third wave of Corona attacks in Indonesia, which will occur around March 2022. We certainly don’t want this bad thing to happen and the worst result is mass death, plus it can subvert the economy again. national.

To prevent a negative domino effect like this, of course, everyone must be disciplined and willing to reduce mobility, and the government has issued a ban for Indonesian citizens, as well as foreigners, from traveling abroad. The reason is that the majority of Omicron cases occur in those who return from abroad.

In addition to reducing mobility, another important point in the health protocol that must be adhered to is preventing crowds. It’s a shame that many violate it because they think the pandemic period is over or that they are stubborn and desperate to make a crowd. For example, at a wedding in a building that invites hundreds of people, even though the maximum capacity is only 50%.

Crowds must be prevented because when there are groups, the potential for transmission of the Omicron variant of Corona will be greater. Especially when there are gatherings, we tend to take off our masks to be recognized by others and when taking pictures together can be more aesthetic. When the mask is removed, that is where the Covid-19 virus can attack because there is no protection in the human mouth and nose.

Therefore, do not be angry when there is a crowd, for example at a party or concert, which is finally disbanded by the task force team handling Covid. They are carrying out their duties for Corona prevention and should not be driven away.

When there is the Omicron variant of the Covid-19 virus, everyone must increase vigilance and must wear masks, reduce mobility, and avoid crowds. Remember that Omicron is more contagious, so obey all points in the health protocol. Vaccination is also mandatory to have a good immune system.

)* The author is a contributor to Pertiwi Institute

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