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Security Apparatus Optimally Protects the Community from KST Threats


By: Rikafitri)*

The threat from Separatist and Terrorist Groups (KST) in Papua requires security forces to act quickly and effectively. KST is often involved in subversive activities, including kidnapping and murder, which can harm social stability and community security. Therefore, the duties of the security forces are not limited to handling ordinary crimes, but also involve efforts to prevent, early detect and deal with terrorist acts.

To be able to provide maximum service, security forces need to continue to increase their capacity and skills. Targeted and  up-to-date training  on security tactics and technology is key in responding to evolving threats. Collaboration with international and national security institutions also helps improve understanding and coordination between security forces.

Apart from involving security forces directly, it is also important to involve the local community. Community outreach and education programs can increase awareness of the dangers caused by KST activities, as well as assist the community in reporting suspicious activities. Community involvement is key in maintaining collective security.

In carrying out their duties, security forces need to uphold human rights principles. The actions of security forces must be proportional and in accordance with the law, so as not to harm the public and give them confidence. Fair and transparent law enforcement is the main foundation in ensuring security and justice in Papua.

In recent weeks, KST Papua has carried out a series of brutal actions that have harmed the community. Burning schools, health centers and other inhumane acts pose a serious threat to regional conduciveness. One of the shocking incidents was the burning of Gome 1 Junior High School (SMPN), Puncak Regency, Central Papua, on November 11 2023.

Despite facing high security pressure, security forces continue to strive to protect the Papuan people. The North Sector RI-PNG Border Security Task Force (Satga Pamtas) Team, Yonif 122/TS, which is under Kolakopsrem 172/PWY, Kalibom Post, also made a positive contribution to the community. They not only guard their territory, but also allocate time for community service.

On November 17 2023, Pamtas Task Force personnel involved themselves in humanitarian activities. They helped health workers from the nearest community health center in Kalibom Village, Keerom Regency, Papua. According to Post Commander (Danpos) Rangga Pratama, this collaboration aims to improve health services for the local community. Apart from providing health services, they also distribute green bean porridge as an effort to increase nutritional intake, especially for children under five.

Service is not only limited to the health sector. Dansatgas Major Inf Diki Apriyadi explained that soldiers in the field of education are active in educating the nation’s generation in border areas. In this case, they provide teaching staff, distribute school supplies and accommodation as motivation for children in areas whose access may be limited.

Apart from that, the Papua Police Traffic Directorate also contributes to strengthening relations with the community through Religious Service. This event was held at major places of worship in Jayapura to commemorate the 68th anniversary of the Bhayangkara Traffic Corps. Inspector Arnius from the Papua Regional Police Traffic Directorate emphasized that this activity was a manifestation of the National Police’s concern for environmental cleanliness, with a special focus on places of worship.

Cooperation between security forces, local governments and other related institutions is very necessary. Good coordination between various parties will strengthen efforts to prevent and overcome KST. Without having to put aside the psychological needs and health of the Papuan people.

Meanwhile, the security forces have also shown their seriousness in preventing the Papuan KST movement. Slowly, KST Papua has begun to be cornered with increasingly limited space for movement. It is hoped that the success of these security forces will strengthen public optimism that it will not be long before the Land of Papua will become a safe region with various development progress.

One of the security forces’ latest successes, on November 20 2023, Kapen Kogabwilhan III Colonel Czi Gusti Nyoman Suriastawa announced that the 411/Pandawa Kostrad Mechanized Raider Yonif Task Force had succeeded in thwarting an attempt to smuggle two long-barreled firearms, the M4 and AR 15 types, intended for KST Papua. in Nduga Regency, Papua Mountains. This success also involved the discovery of air rifles, solar panels and various other logistics which were planned to be sent to the country’s enemies.

Temporary suspicions indicate that the firearms came from the border area and may have entered Kenyam territory via waterways. This arms smuggling creates additional tension in an already conflict-prone region such as Papua, highlighting the need for continued and intensified security operations in the region.

In facing threats from KST Papua, security forces have a central role in protecting the community and maintaining regional stability. The service of the joint TNI-Polri team in Papua so far has reflected their commitment to protect, serve and protect the community amidst difficult conditions.

Despite facing threats from KST, security forces do not only focus on security aspects, but are also actively involved in providing health and education services to the local community. The diversity of these initiatives shows that the joint TNI-Polri team not only plays a role as law enforcer, but also as a partner in the development and welfare of the people in Papua. With a holistic and sustainable approach, it is hoped that Papua can achieve true security.

)*The author is a contributor to Media Saptalika

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