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Security Forces Successfully Take Firm Action Against KST Attacking Project Workers in Puncak Papua


By : Melky Samuel Hansen )*

Very high appreciation should be given to the security forces who succeeded in taking firm action against the Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) attacking the Community Health Center project workers in Puncak Papua in order to limit their movements which increasingly continue to disturb, even harm the Papuan people themselves and hinder development. on the Earth of Cenderawasih.

The Mobile Yonif Raider 300 / Bjw Border Security Force Task Force (Satgas Pamtas) shot dead a KST member, who had been involved in the attack on workers for the Community Health Center (Puskesmas) construction project in Puncak Regency, Papua Mountain Province.

Regarding the firm action taken by the security forces, Chief of Staff of the Joint Regional Defense Command (Kaskogabwilhan) III Marshal of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) Deni Hasoloan Simanjuntak explained that previously they had carried out a chase, which then resulted in a shooting.

The entire incident occurred after the security forces received a report from the Ilaga airport post regarding 6 (six) people suspected of being a gang of separatist and terrorist groups (KST) in Bumi Cenderawasih which often intensified many acts of terror.

The security forces had very strong suspicions about the six people because at that time they were carrying one long-barreled weapon and two short-barreled pistols in Honai, Arumaga, Omukia, Puncak, Papua Mountains. Then the security forces immediately dispatched three teams led directly by Pasiops Task Force 300 / BJW and moved there to carry out inspections and to confirm the report received.

During monitoring carried out by security forces, it turned out that the joint team found as many as 12 Papuan KST members who were carrying firearms, arrows and sharp weapons (sajam). After seeing the group of terrorists trying to escape, the officers immediately fired warning shots upwards, but they did not pay any heed to it.

So it is very clear that in this case, the security forces did not immediately make physical contact first, but instead provided persuasive efforts and a humanist approach first. However, instead of heeding the warning shots, they actually fired shots at the officers.

Suddenly, knowing that KST Papua was there, they didn’t heed the warning shots and still tried to run away and actually started the attack by shooting the officers directly. Therefore, in an effort to fight back and protect themselves, the security forces also took firm action against their actions.

Therefore, TNI Task Force personnel immediately opened fire and aimed at them so that one of the KST gang was shot in the back and his body was then taken away by their colleagues and into the forest. After the tense firefight, security forces immediately went to the location and carried out checks.

It turned out that after checking, they had run away, but there was still some evidence for safekeeping. Some of the evidence that was confiscated was a drone, one air rifle butt, one Icom Handy Talkie (HT) type IC-V8, one HT Baopeng, and a set of laser scopes for weapons.

Furthermore, there was further evidence in the form of three Android cellphones of the Advan, Smartfren and Cross types, then four cellphones of the type, two Nokias, Evercross, Strawberru and 3 cellphone chargers with two battery chargers and two lamps and 12 photos.

Meanwhile, Head of the TNI Information Center (Kapuspen), Rear Admiral (Laksda) TNI Julius Widjojono suspected that the group they were chasing was under the leadership of Titus Murib who had attacked workers at the Puskesmas construction project.

Previously, it was known that one worker on the Puskesmas construction project in Puncak Regency, Papua died after being attacked by KST. Regarding this incident, Head of Operations (Kaops) of the Cartenz Peace Task Force, Police Commissioner (Kombes Pol) Faizal Ramadhani said that apart from the dead victims, there were also two construction workers at the Community Health Center who were hit by arrows.

It is clear that with the many cases and acts of very barbaric and heinous violence, it increasingly shows that KST Papua has absolutely no conscience and is inhumane. For the umpteenth time, they continued to attack civilians who were completely innocent and did not know anything, even though they were ordinary citizens who were carrying out activities to earn a living for their families.

After the KST case of attacks on Community Health Center project workers in Puncak Papua, the security forces immediately pursued them and succeeded in taking very firm action after the terrorist group first fired shots at the officers.

)* Papuan students live in Kupang

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