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Build Nusantara IKN, Government Encourages Business Entity Cooperation


Jakarta – The Government of Indonesia continues to encourage cooperation with business entities to be continuously improved, as well as efforts to increase community participation in supporting IKN development projects.

In accelerating economic transformation, especially amidst the current global crisis, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) has taken various strategic steps such as accelerating digital transformation, improving the quality of human resources (HR), developing a green economy and issuing Perppu Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation and also includes the transfer of the Archipelago’s Capital City (IKN).

It is known that indeed the transfer of the center of government from Jakarta to outside Java Island cannot be separated from the economic structure in Indonesia, which is spatially still concentrated in Java Island so far.

Not only that, but several other considerations for moving the capital city which was previously in Jakarta to outside Java Island are related to the population growth rate and also the carrying capacity in Java Island, especially in the Jakarta area which is decreasing day by day.

Regarding this matter, the Coordinating Minister (Menko) for the Economy, Airlangga Hartarto explained that the process of moving the IKN to Kalmantan which was stipulated through Law (UU) Number 3 of 2022 is certainly able to provide legal certainty for the sustainability and also the continuity of the capital city move and commitment to carry out economic equality so that it is no longer Java centric, but is also able to build an inclusive economy, especially in the eastern region of Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the Government of Indonesia itself continues to strive to encourage the use of cooperation schemes between the government and business entities (PPP) to accelerate the provision of infrastructure in the Archipelago’s Capital City (IKN). In this regard, the Director General (Dirjen) of Financing and Risk Management of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu RI), Suminto explained that the government is continuing to conduct outreach regarding 3 (three) implementing regulations for Government Regulation Number 17 of 2022.

According to him, the involvement of the private sector in financing the development of IKN must indeed be accompanied by good governance. The existence of good governance is also included in efforts to provide certainty about the value of returns on investments that are carried out in an accountable, fair and transparent manner.

Furthermore, Suminto explained that sources of funding for the provision of IKN infrastructure can be obtained from the state revenue and expenditure budget (APBN) and can also be obtained from budgets outside the APBN. He added that funding sources from the State Budget would be more focused on providing basic infrastructure and the main government complex.

Not only for the main government complex, but the source of funding from the APBN is also able to become a catalyst to be able to attract private funds in the construction of IKN. Meanwhile, according to the Director General of Financing and Risk Management of the Ministry of Finance, it is also very necessary to optimize funding sources originating from outside the APBN, both through the implementation of the PPP scheme and the implementation of the creative financing scheme.

On the other hand, the Deputy for Development Funding of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Scenaider Clasein Hasudungan Siahaan added that in order to complement each other, the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of National Development Planning Agency issued Regulation Number 6 of 2022 which explains the scope of regulation. , new policies and innovations in an effort to accelerate the implementation of the PPP scheme in IKN.

For him, it is true that the support from Bappenas in implementing the PPP scheme in IKN, as well as the things that must be considered in its implementation, is very important so that it can be regulated from the start with clear rules.

Meanwhile, the Pastor of the Samarinda Cathedral Catholic Church and Aehong Dayak figure, Simon Kaliaban, said it was important to involve elements of the local community in supporting and managing the Archipelago’s IKN. The government must make policies that support the local community of East Kalimantan as a whole to become the pillars of IKN Nusantara. Local communities must be empowered economically to support IKN Nusantara.

As information, regarding the project with its own PPP scheme, Scenaider Clasein Hasudungan Siahaan said that currently there have been 3 (three) projects for the residence of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and Defense and Security with a value of IDR 41 trillion which can be an example for other business actors . Therefore, his party really hopes that this activity can further increase public trust through the PPP to further increase their contribution to the development of IKN. The cooperation of business entities in efforts to accelerate the development of IKN is indeed something that cannot be underestimated and unimportant, on the contrary, this is very important in efforts to accelerate the development of IKN because the source of funding does not only rely on the state budget alone, but also other parties. outside the APBN as funding.

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