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Deputy Minister of Manpower, Afriansyah Noor: The Existence of The Job Creation Law Can Strengthen Foreign Fundamentals and Power


Jakarta – Hery Sucipto as the Executive Director of the Moya Institute said that with the Job Creation Law, the community must accept and provide input.

“The public should not be consumed by hoax news about the Job Creation Law circulating in the media and social media, so discussions like this are very good for workers and young people to participate in,” explained Heru Sucipto at the webinar, Friday (3/3).

Afriansyah Noor said that the existence of the Job Creation Law could strengthen economic value in Indonesia.

“With the existence of the Job Creation Law, it is currently necessary to strengthen economic fundamentals and to protect foreign power,” said Deputy Minister of Manpower Afriansyah Noor.

Meanwhile, Prof. Nindyo Pramono with expertise in UGM business law assessed that the implementation of creators had increased the value of investment realization in 2022.

“In 2022 the value of investment in Indonesia will increase drastically,” explained Prof. Nindyo Pramono.

Emrus Sihombing also said that the existence of Uuciptaker built new optimism.

“There are many benefits from creators for micro, small and medium economic actors who benefit greatly. Can add to the growth of the business sector. It is certain that we can level the pyramid of the economic welfare structure in the midst of the
Uuciptaker community, providing more opportunities for cooperatives as the backbone of the Indonesian economy,” said Emrus.

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