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The neutrality of ASN and Pancasila is an important part of the successful holding of the 2024 elections


Jakarta – The 2024 elections in Indonesia are an important moment in determining the direction of our country’s democracy. In an effort to ensure the success of a fair and transparent democratic process, the neutrality of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) plays a very important role. ASN neutrality is not just a legal obligation, but also an integral part of the Pancasila values ​​which are the foundation of our country.

In a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) themed “Pancasila: Dynamics and Challenges Faced?”, which was held by the Moya Institute at the Gran Melia Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday (25/5/2023), Chairman of the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN) Agus Pramusinto said that political dynamics often involve ASN so that the role of the bureaucracy is not effective.

“According to Bawaslu data, in the 2020-2021 period when regional elections were held in 270 regions, violations of ASN neutrality reached 2,034. Of the number of violations, 1,373 ASN were sanctioned by the civil service supervisor (PPK),” said Agus.

Therefore, Agus emphasized that ASNs should place themselves in a neutral position in the election. Because if it does not affect public services in the future. This is one of the challenges faced by Pancasila, where we still often have the potential to be divided because of politics.

“As an important part of the government that functions to carry out public policies, ASN has a crucial role in maintaining order and justice in the election process,” said Agus.

Meanwhile, member of the Republic of Indonesia Presidential Advisory Council Inspector General (Purn) Sidarto Danusubroto who was the keynote speaker at the FGD said that intolerance, radicalism and terrorism (IRT) are viruses that pose a threat to the integrity of the nation. He uses the term ideological vaccination, as an effort to maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

“Because Pancasila is Bung Karno’s legacy as a founding father, which so far has proven to be able to unite diversity. If Indonesia is likened to a house, the basic foundation is Pancasila, the pillars of the 1945 Constitution, the walls and roof are the Republic of Indonesia and its inhabitants are Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. These are the four pillars, since I was chairman of the MPR, they have been encouraged. So the inhabitants are various tribes, religions, cultures and customs, must be accommodated together in this Pancasila house,” he explained.

ASN neutrality is a non-negotiable principle that must be upheld for the common good. ASN must ensure that individual political interests do not affect their duties and responsibilities in facilitating a fair and transparent election process.

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