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The Sanctions for News Hoax spreaders


By: Ajeng Mufadillah)*

 Minister of Communication and Information (MCIT) Rudiantara confirms the sanction for offender dissemination of false news (hoaxes) and not focused on punishment.

He explained, the focus of which will be done by his party as the competent authority to monitor the circulation of news containing elements of defamation and incitement in the form of literacy. Literacy education to the community is a way so that later they can properly interpret the information they see, read, and hear.

Rudiantara said that it focus was not to punish people, the focus is how to do literacy. According to him, the provision of literacy education that is suitable to apply to the people of Indonesia.

This is because most of the people have not been able to select the information that is valid and is still confusing.

Rudiantara added, people also do not understand how to be wise in the use of social media. Rudiantara explained that (we) do education in the community, because the community is the majority actually do not know how good manners utilizing social media. Furthermore, he reiterated the government’s focus in the fight against the development of a hoax news not sanction criminal penalties.

Rudiantara assert so is not punishment yes, we should not focus on the things that repressive. Literacy, said Rudiantara, an effective way and can provide education that benefit the wider community. Should the nature of educational and literacy, it is more beneficial.

The statement was delivered wrapped up in January while attending activities of dissemination and the Declaration of Indonesia Anti Hoax held at MH Thamrin street, Central Jakarta. The activity was held exactly at the moment of Car Free Day (CFD), and was attended by a number of artists that Olga Lydia, Nia Dinata, as well Leads Nidji.

With the social medical community may be more selective in the use of social media, and utilize medsos wisely. The government also must participate to combat hoax news to the criminal law sanctions. Hopefully in the future government and their staffs can hold cultural figures, preachers, teachers, education leaders, as well as professional figures who have influence in both social media and offline world. The goal is that the characters can be helped socialize the proper use of social media and how dangerous the spreading slander from the moral, cultural, ethical, and religious.

)* The author is CIDISS contributor

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