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Less of Teacher in Remote Area of Kotawaringin Timur

Welcome to Sampit

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – The big problem that faced by school in remote area beside fund and facility is teacher. Many schools in remote area are less of teacher. It is because many teachers are fell uncomfortable and asking to move in the city.

The less of teacher make some schools in remote area of Kotawaringin Timur regency, Central Kalimantan province will not able to accept new student, because they are worry, there is no teacher for teaching. For example is in SDN (Elementary School) 1 Pamalian, Kotabesi district.

Head of SDN 1 Pamalian, Rita Sasmita as in Borneonews said, in her school is less of teacher. “We are very less of teacher, there is no teacher for teach first grade,” she said.

Rita told that, previously, teacher in her school has complete teacher for teaching and learning process for all class. But, for two years lately, some of teachers choose to move in city.

Today, this school only has two teacher who status as civil servant and three honorary teacher who only paid for IDR 500.000 (US $ 37.48) each month.

The limited of fund, the school is not able to add more honorary teacher. As the effect, first and fourth grade has not had a teacher, then one teacher teach for two classes. This condition is not balance with the spirit to increase the education quality.

One of the teachers, Toto Widyanto also said same condition on that school. He feels so worry to education in village, remote area. The student has spirit to learn, but there is less facility. He hopes, educational board will fast response to this condition.


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