Expecting for a “Sweet Fruit” from the Trip to US
By: Ahsan Zoelva *)
Jakarta, CIDISS - As from 15 to 18 February 2016, Mr. Jokowi has the second tour of duty to United States as Indonesian President to United States (US). This time, Mr.…
Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government Commitment to Develop Bokori Island
By: Syaiful)*
Southeast Sulawesi provincial government (Southeast Sulawesi) continues to dress Bokori Island to become one of the world-class tourist destination in the area. Unmitigated,…
KPK Examine 3966 Mine Permit License
By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS – The corruption eradication Commission (KPK) is currently evaluating the troubled mining permits. Totally, 3966 mining business license (IUP) which do not meet…
Journalists’ association of Indonesia (PWI) Central Kalimantan Province Got Best National Awards…
By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS – Journalists’ association of Indonesia (PWI) province of Central Kalimantan (Kalteng) succeeded in achieved the national achievements and won awards from PWI.…
Youth of Central Kalimantan Supports the Acceleration of The Expansion Of The New Provincial…
By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS - A group of youth representatives from five regencies in Western area of Central Kalimantan, roll out of action while the Declaration of the Presidium of the…
中国周二(2月16日)回应联合国对其侵害人权纪录的批评,称部分被拘捕的维权律师已承认犯下重大经济犯罪,亦称李波本人表示不希望受高度关注。联合国人权事务高级专员 胡赛因周二表示,他对中国当局近来对律师和人权活动者的镇压“深感担忧”,也呼吁中国当局公平对待香港书商。…
Indonesian Government Insisted To Stop LGBT Fund
By: Agus)*
Indonesian citizen lives with various religions and tribes, those diversity be accompanied high tolerant. In another side of that tolerant, Indonesia citizen does not receive the…
Bank Sultra Promotes Tax Payment by Second Generation
By: Syaiful)*
Bank of Southeast Sulawesi (Sulawesi) is now ready to pay taxes by the State Revenue mechanism Second Generation Module (MPN G-2). As the very first step to introduce this tax…