Railway In South Sulawesi Ready To Built
By: Saiful*)
Makassar - The government has agreed to build railway tracks in South Sulawesi province, based on the outcome of the meeting I attended in Jakarta, the overall allocations…
Konawe Indusrial Zone Is Ready To Built
By: Saiful*)
Kendari - In 2015, the Indonesian government will build 13 Industrial Area, including the Konawe Industrial Zone (KIK) with an area of about 5.500 hectares, which is…
Australia Tighten Up Immigration Control
By: M. Dinata *)
In last few months, Australia really concern about radicalism prevention especially from The Islamis State (IS). Australia’s Government have done many things to make sure…
Paliament Of South Sulawesi Supporting Gafatar
BY: Saiful*)
Makassar – Parliament (DPRD) of South Sulawesi supporting Movement Dawn of Nusantara (Gafatar) in reinterpretation and actualization of Pancasila to the peoples.
"Gafatar able…
Keeping Peace, Battalion 725 Woroagi In Training
By : Saiful*)
Battalion 725 Woroagi, Korem 143 Haluoleo Southeast Sulawesi Province, are in training as preparation for the assignment of security in the border region of Indonesia and…
Polemic: Railway of Kalteng
By: Fuad *)
The making railway in Kalimantan Tengah (Kalteng) Province gets many protests. A number of action, such as from activist, environment expert, also student of university.…
RB Entrepreneur Didn’t Agree To Prohibition Of RB
By: Saiful*)
MAMUJU - Department of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives and SMEs (Disperiindagkop) West Sulawesi Province, claimed that they not yet know and accept the regulations Ministry of…
Indonesia don’t Dither in Facing the Threats of Tonny Abbot
By: Arifin *)
"Do not forget, a few years ago, when Indonesian stricken by tsunami from the Indian Ocean, Australia provided A$ 1 Billion. We send a team as a form of humanitarian aid",…
Brazil Postpone Credentials of Indonesia
By: Arifin *)
Indonesian Foreign Ministry call the Ambassador of Brazil to Indonesia on February 20, 2015, at 22:00 pm (Indonesia time) to provide strong protest against unfriendly act at…
“A Message Signed With Blood” – ISIS Warns its Enemies
By : Jaber Ahmed *)
Another video released by ISIS on Feb 15, 2015 showing the beheading of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians kidnapped in Libya. The five minute video published by Al Hayat…