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Government Anticipation Omicron BN.1 increase ahead Nataru


By : Bi light Alfarizi )*

Moment this , has been found subvariant new of the Covid-19 virus namely subvariant BN.1. Government anticipate not _ occur Corona wave attack fourth . Community too requested for more alert due to virus results mutation suspected more ferocious . Stay discipline in obey protocol health . Especially before Christmas and New Years new ( Nataru ) moment many crowd on the street . Stay alert at the end year so no so patient next .

At the end year there is Christmas and New Year’s holidays mandatory new _ the public is wary of . the cause because there is potency increase total corona patient . Indeed , the pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus is ongoing since beginning 2020 , however not yet stated completed by WHO arrived end this year 2022 .

Various method done for disease this no contagious or not cause spike patient , especially at the end year . However problem not yet done because scope vaccination in Indonesia is not yet 100% and appears subvariant new from the Omicron variant corona . Subvariant new corona Omicron given name BN. 1

Worried subvariant this will spread widespread in Indonesia. According to data from the Ministry of Health, yes there were 20 subvariant corona patients BN. 1. In meaning , a mutated virus is very dangerous because the average is more ferocious and all citizens of the world must be wary this BN.1 subvariant . Pandemic not yet done and society no can lower alert level .

Head of the Communications Bureau of the Ministry of Health, doctor Siti Nadia Tarmidzi , stated that increase Corona case all the time occur moment there is variant or subvariant new . because _ the Ministry of Health continues monitor so as not to there is spike because of corona patients subvariant BN.1. Especially ahead Christmas and New Year’s holidays new .

Government keep going anticipate increase possible corona cases occur due to 2 factors : ie corona mutation becomes subvariant BN.1. Result viruses more average mutations contagious . Then , at the end year , there potency increase total corona patient . the cause because many came _ to events for celebrate holiday end years , or traveling to outside city .

The people understand that after holiday year new always there is increase total corona patient . the cause because many are out home and cause mobility bulk . Then , already many break _ protocol health , especially wear a mask. Government anticipate not _ there is increase total corona patients with campaign return importance protocol health .

ahead Christmas and New Year’s holidays new , most people wear masks but Dear position not fit because sag and no cover nose and mouth , though the function of the mask is protect these organs . There are others who only wear masks in journey but until office rather removed . Whereas can so there is cluster office because already 100% work from office so difficult for guard distance .

Stay wear a mask and don’t removed when outside _ house . Even We recommended for wearing a double mask by WHO, namely a single mask wear one covered by a cloth mask . this way will Upgrade filtration air so that can minimize corona contagion . The use of masks is also a maximum of 4 hours so that must bring spare masks . Masks are very important for prevent transmission subvariant BN.1.

Protocol health keep your distance too often violated by society because already many do _ party wedding with inviting hundreds , even thousand guest . At the end year there is holiday Nataru so that utilized for party . Whereas We no know who among _ guests with OTG status , especially those carrying droplet corona subvariant BN.1, so more ok skip the invite just .

Temporary that , epidemiologist from Griffith University Australia Dicky Budiman stated that should there is mitigation approaching Christmas and New Year’s holidays new ( Nataru ). However moment not there is mitigation so dangerous because can raise corona cases in Indonesia. Especially affected patient _ subvariant BN.1.

In meaning , prevention Corona transmission and mitigation ahead holiday year new must done . Government already implementing PPKM until January 9 , 2023. Hopefully with PPKM then Public more orderly in activities outside _ house . It ‘s PPKM indeed no tight year then and no there is insulation . However Public hope aware yourself and reduce outdoor mobility _ room .

Moment holiday year new , for anticipation so Public hope more calm . Do not too euphoria with few PPKM rules loosened up , then traveling is gone stop without obey protocol health . otherwise _ vaccines and often traveling no mask then potentially big infected with corona subvariant BN.1.

Government keep going anticipate increase corona cases in Indonesia, especially variant Omicron subvariant BN.1. Result viruses mutation always more contagion and society requested for more alert , so as not to there is spike Indonesian patients . Stay obey protocol health and vaccines complete so no infected from the variant corona what just .

)* Writer is contributor Persada Institute

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