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Students from Papua are prioritized to occupy AMN


Officially, the construction of the Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN) located in Surabaya, East Java has indeed been completed by the government through the PUPR Ministry. The dormitory is intended as a place to live for students, especially scholarship recipients.

AMN is able to accommodate all students who come from various regions throughout the country and are pursuing higher education in Surabaya and its surroundings.

The Director General of Human Settlements of the PUPR Ministry, Diana Kusumastuti said that AMN Surabaya can accommodate 532 students. Of this amount, around 40 percent is intended for indigenous Papuan students (OAP) studying in East Java.

“Currently AMN Surabaya is managed by the National Development University (UPN) Veterans and is already inhabited by around 260 students from various universities in Surabaya and its surroundings,” said Diana

Meanwhile, the Head of the East Java Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center of the PUPR Ministry, Muhammad Reva added that the dormitory has 2 towers, each of which is 5 floors high.

“The dormitory building consists of 2 towers as high as 5 floors. The two towers are distinguished between female student dormitories and male student dormitories,” he said.

Then, to support all student activities in AMN, other supporting facilities have been prepared. These include communal bathrooms and toilets, prayer rooms, clinics, management offices, dining rooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, security rooms, and others.

“Supporting facilities for student competency development have also been built, such as a library/reading room, shared study room, art room, laboratory, sports field, entrepreneurship development room, and landscapes,” said Reva.

Reva emphasized that the AMN development was intended to accommodate outstanding students from various regions throughout Indonesia.

“This dormitory was built to accommodate outstanding students from various regions throughout Indonesia who are currently studying in Surabaya or in districts and cities in East Java,” he said.

The development and implementation of activities at AMN involve a number of ministries and agencies such as the State Intelligence Agency, the Ministry of PUPR, the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) was even specifically appointed by President Jokowi as the catalyst for the establishment of AMN, even starting from its planning. Meanwhile, regarding coaching for AMN resident students, BIN also synergizes with relevant agencies to carry out various coaching programs.

By accommodating all students from various backgrounds, it is also in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 106/2021 which contains the importance of a coaching forum to be able to further strengthen unity and integrity for the younger generation.

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