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AHY’s criticism is only a cheap sensation, the fact is that the human development index in the Jokowi era continues to increase


The general chairman of the Democratic Party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) criticized President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who only thought about infrastructure development programs.

AHY stated that the government’s development focus should not override human resource development. The human development index is considered necessary to continue to be improved in line with infrastructure development.

In fact, the human development index (IPM) during Jokowi’s administration continued to increase from year to year.

Deputy Chancellor II of Surabaya State University (Unesa) Suprapto appreciated the steps taken by Jokowi to realize Golden Indonesia 2045. According to him, the progress of a nation is influenced not only by infrastructure but also the quality of its human resources.

“I believe and really believe Pak Jokowi’s program to improve human resources and extraordinary infrastructure, it will definitely lay the foundation for Indonesia Gold 2045, God willing, it will be achieved,” said Suprapto.

Suprapto stated, with the infrastructure and human resource development programs being intensified by the Jokowi government, it has a strong foundation to create a golden Indonesia in 2045.

“God willing, I see that the foundation is quite strong. In fact, the main basis for leading to Golden Indonesia 2045 is superior infrastructure and human resources,” he explained.

At the same time, President Jokowi refocused the 2023 State Budget to continue building infrastructure throughout Indonesia and increasing the nation’s human resources.

“We must prepare productive, innovative and globally competitive human resources by continuing to practice the values ​​of Pancasila, having noble character, and maintaining the nation’s cultural identity,” said President Joko Widodo.

As is known, the human development index (IPM) explains how residents can access development results in obtaining income, health, education, and so on. There are 3 dimensions that make up HDI, namely long and healthy life, knowledge, and a decent standard of living.

According to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, the HDI trend during President Jokowi’s administration continued to increase. In his first year in office in 2014, the national HDI rate was recorded at 68.9 percent. The record was successfully increased in 2015 to 69.55 percent in 2015 and 70.18 percent in 2016.

Jokowi continued to increase the national HDI in 2017 to 70.81 percent, and 71.39 percent in 2018, and 71.94 percent at the end of his first term in 2019. After consistently increasing HDI in his first 5 years of administration, Jokowi continued to increase HDI in 2020 it will be 71.94 percent and in 2021 it will be 72.29 percent, and 72.91 percent in 2022.

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