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All Parties Must Unite After the Constitutional Court’s Decision Regarding the 2024 Election Results


By : Aditya Anggara )*

The unity of all parties after determining the results of the 2024 General Election (Pemilu), is very important to build a strong nation in facing various threats. When all parties, both winners and losers, can work together for the common good, this will create political stability and strengthen the foundations of the country.

Election results that are agreed upon by all parties are the culmination of the democratic process. This democratic consolidation is important to ensure that all parties feel valued and recognized in the political system. Apart from that, after the election, there may be division and polarization in society, so that uniting all parties, including those who lost in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres) contest, in respecting the election results can help reduce political and social tensions and strengthen national unity.

Furthermore, with cooperation from all parties, political stability can be well maintained. This is important to attract investment, create jobs and strengthen the country’s economy. Then a united nation has greater ability to overcome various threats, both from within and from abroad. With collaboration between these parties, it is easier to face challenges such as security, economic, social and environmental issues.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) invited all parties to unite and work together to develop the Indonesian state, following the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) which rejected all claims to dispute the results of the 2024 Presidential Election, as well as the determination of the Election results by the General Election Commission (KPU). According to President Jokowi, the current external and geopolitical factors must be the main focus, because they can put pressure on all countries. So unity and integrity are very important to face each of these challenges and strengthen the foundations of the nation.

Political differences in society during the 2024 presidential election have finally ended as the KPU determines the selected candidate pairs. After the elections, all parties are expected to be able to unite to welcome a better future for Indonesia. Additionally, when different parties come together, they can work together to advance the interests of society as a whole. This includes infrastructure development, better public services, and greater social protection for the future.

Looking at the current global dynamics, good cooperation between various parties is needed to deal with it. Because threats and challenges such as economic, security or environmental crises require strong coordination between all parties. By uniting all parties, the country has a greater ability to face these challenges effectively. Then when people see that political parties can work together, it increases their trust in government and political institutions. This is important for maintaining social stability and cohesion.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD) of Bogor Regency, Rudy Susmanto, said that his party invited the entire community to unite after the KPU determined the results of the 2024 presidential election, because unity is the key in facing this nation’s various challenges. Apart from that, Rudy is also grateful that the 2024 elections can run peacefully and conducively, and show the world that Indonesia is capable of overseeing the leadership transition process democratically.

The General Chairperson of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board, KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf who invited all parties to unite again after the election results were determined by the KPU. Uniting after the election is proof of political maturity and respect for the democratic process. This also shows that the interests of the country are more important than the interests of individuals or political parties. 

In addition, when all parties show a willingness to work together after the election, it can increase public trust in the political system and government. So that people will feel more confident that their leaders can solve various problems well.

Reuniting after the elections can help maintain political and economic stability, so that investment and development can be carried out better. Then challenges such as the economy, security and environment require cooperation from all parties. 

By uniting, countries have a greater ability to overcome these challenges. Only with cooperation from all parties can the country achieve sustainable and inclusive development. This includes development of infrastructure, education, health, and other sectors that are important for the welfare of society.

Getting all parties to reunite will not be easy, but with open dialogue, compromise, and a willingness to listen to each other, this can be achieved. This will bring long-term benefits to the country and society as a whole. Thus, uniting all parties after determining the results of the 2024 elections is not only about recognizing victory or defeat, but also about building a strong foundation for the country’s progress and sustainability in facing various challenges in the future.

)* The author is an observer of domestic politics

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