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AMN Assisted by BIN Forms a Young Generation Tolerant of Differences


All young people have become much more tolerant and able to maintain harmony thanks to the education of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) through the Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN).

Deputy Chief of Staff for AMN Manado from BIN, Idham Malik, said that the construction of the building was intended to unite all students from various backgrounds.

In the future, with the existence of the Nusantara Student Dormitory, the development of harmony, cohesiveness and more harmonious relations between the nation’s children will be realized.

Therefore, all parties continue to hope and provide full support for AMN’s success.

“We hope that AMN Manado’s development activities will run well,” said Idham Malik.

“Because after being built by the PUPR Ministry, this building will be handed over to the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, then handed over again to the local university for AMN management,” he added.

According to Idham Malik, the realization of AMN is to unite all students from various regions in Indonesia so that they respect each other’s culture.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chair of the Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly, Lestari Moerdijat, said that harmony between young people must continue to be fostered by strengthening the foundations of tolerance.

As through the Nusantara Student Dormitory which is able to foster an attitude of mutual respect for the rights and obligations of every citizen.

“We have diversity in various fields, fostering the values ​​of tolerance and mutual respect between humans is an obligation in the nation and state process,” said Lestari.

According to the Governor of North Sulawesi, through the North Sulawesi Provincial Secretary, Steve HA Kepel, the construction of AMN is not just a physical building.

Rather, the government’s strategic program is a symbol of commitment to the continued development of the nation’s young human resources.

The reason is, through AMN it is able to create a conducive environment for students to learn, be creative and collaborate.

“The construction of AMN Manado is not just a physical building but a symbol of our commitment to human resource development,” said Steve Kepel.

“Through this dormitory we create a conducive environment for students from various regions in Indonesia to study, be creative and collaborate, especially those in North Sulawesi,” he concluded.

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