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Anticipating Papuan KST Violence, Security Forces Implement New Strategy


The government has shown optimality in implementing strategies to overcome threats from Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Groups (KST), especially ahead of the 2024 General Election (Pemilu).

This is done with the aim of ensuring that the democratic party runs smoothly without disturbances that could disrupt security stability, which would clearly threaten the democratic atmosphere in the country.

The Vice President, KH Ma’ruf Amin, actively explained the efforts being made to anticipate threats from KST Papua, especially ahead of the implementation of the democratic party and political contestation through elections.

Even though the implementation of the election covers all regions in the country, including Papua, its implementation in Bumi Cenderawasih has special challenges.

This easternmost province in Indonesia has the presence of KST Papua which continues to carry out various disturbances, ranging from attacks to murders, which shows its high level of cruelty. The targets of the attacks were also indiscriminate, including security forces and innocent Papuan indigenous civilians (OAP).

To minimize the potential for disruption by separatist gangs, the Government has designed various anticipatory strategies to reduce the possibility of them damaging the security and stability of the country.

From a technical perspective, all aspects related to security and anticipating threats from KST Papua have been carefully prepared by the Government. This includes anticipatory steps related to organizing and financing the implementation of elections in Papua.

Acting Governor of Central Papua, Ribka Haluk, emphasized increasing coordination efforts with stakeholders and stakeholders to handle and anticipate threats from terrorist gangs in Papua, as well as other possible problems.

Security forces from joint TNI and Polri personnel also conducted a security safari to ensure conditions in the area remained conducive and safe. Preparations for the 2024 General Election also involve coordination and security safaris by the Papua Regional Police (Polda).

Security institutions in the four New Autonomous Regions (DOB), especially in Central Papua Province, have also begun to take anticipatory and security measures. Socialization among the community was carried out to convey that elections are a crucial state agenda and must run smoothly.

Commander of Kodam (Pangdam) XVIII/Kasuari, Major General TNI Ilyas Alamsyah Harahap, emphasized his readiness to face threats or acts of terror from KST Papua. They have even prepared a special unit to ensure community security and maintain territorial sovereignty on Bumi Cenderawasih.

Towards the implementation of elections throughout Indonesia, including in Papua, the Government is showing optimality in implementing strategies to overcome potential threats posed by KST in Bumi Cenderawasih.

Increased Patrols to Protect Papuan People from KST Threats

After taking firm action against KST Papua in the mountains some time ago, security forces from joint personnel continue to try to increase patrols in Bumi Cenderawasih.

The Bintang Papua Mountains Police continue to increase patrols, especially after the funeral of five Papuan KST members who died in a shootout with security forces.

This firm action is intended to prevent separatist gangs from spreading terror again to residents in the Bintang Mountains Regency. Increased patrols were carried out in Oksibil City and its surroundings to maintain the safety of residents.

Head of the Cartenz Peace Public Relations Task Force, AKBP Bayu Suseno, revealed that security forces from joint TNI and Polri personnel, together with the local regional government, were increasing their cooperation to maintain the security of residents in Papua, especially in Oksibil City.

Security forces are also working hard to take preventive measures to anticipate and prevent attacks or disturbances that could endanger the safety of the people of Bumi Cenderawasih, especially from KST Papua.

Chairman of the Indonesian MPR, Bambang Soesatyo, emphasized the need for firm and serious action from the security forces to handle and crush KST Papua.

With increased assertiveness by the security forces, it is hoped that this can accelerate the restoration of a conducive, safe and comfortable situation in the easternmost province in Indonesia. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to pay attention to the strategies being implemented.

In setting the strategy to take firm action against KST Papua, increased patrols and security were carried out at various attack-prone points and residential areas.

The acts of violence carried out by KST Papua, which were very heinous and barbaric, required a quick and appropriate response from the Government and security forces.

The importance of fast and precise identification, as well as mapping the pattern of KST Papua attacks, is the key to determining an effective strategy in protecting residents and security forces in the Land of Papua.

Strong commitment from the TNI, Polri and BIN is needed to take firm and measurable action in facing threats from KST Papua.

Deputy Chairman of Commission III DPR RI, Ahmad Sahroni, believes that KST Papua’s actions can no longer be tolerated. Therefore, security forces from joint personnel must take firm action immediately.

Increasing patrols in Papua is a critical step in dealing with potential KST Papua attacks and ensuring a conducive situation in Bumi Cenderawasih, especially after the firm action against separatist gangs in the Papua Mountains some time ago.

In facing the 2024 General Election in Papua, anticipation and security strategies are the main focus. The government and security forces, together with all elements of society, need to collaborate optimally to overcome violence that may be committed by KST Papua.

With firm steps, increased patrols, and rapid identification and handling, it is hoped that regional security and conduciveness can be maintained, ensuring that the course of democracy in Papua remains safe.

All elements of society, including indigenous Papuans, are expected to work together to maintain the sustainability of democracy and assist security forces in carrying out their duties.

In this way, Indonesia can hold elections peacefully and successfully, creating a strong foundation for a sustainable democratic future.

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