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Beware of the Delta Plus Variant, Tighten Prokes and Vaccination Disciplines


By: Adnan Hamzah)*

Covid-19 continues to mutate, one of which is the Delta Plus variant which is considered more contagious. The public is advised to continue to be disciplined in Prokes and participate in vaccinations to prevent the transmission of this dangerous virus.

The Corona virus in Indonesia has undergone a mutation, now the delta plus variant corona virus (AY.1) has been found. There were 3 cases found, namely Mamuju, West Sulawesi and Jambi. This variant is a derivative of the delta variant which is included in the WHO variant of concern because it is easily contagious and causes severe symptoms. One thing that sets it apart is marked by the appearance of the K417N.

The K417N mutation itself is an extra mutation located in the viral spike protein, which infects healthy cells. This mutation was also previously present in the Beta variant corona, which was found in South Africa and Gamma, which was found in Brazil. Experts have collected other symptoms associated with the delta plus variant, namely; Stomach Pain, Nausea, Loss of Appetite. Not only cough, fever and headache.

Meanwhile, the Covid-19 Handling Task Force stated that vaccine recipients could prevent the birth of a new variant of the corona virus. The Task Force realizes that the best way to prevent the virus from entering the body is to adhere to strict health protocols.

Another effort that can be done is to minimize the transmission that occurs by accelerating the implementation of the national vaccination strategy.

The spike in Covid-19 cases is feared to give birth to a new variant that is more virulent and rapidly transmitted. Wiku Explained, in principle, viruses are not living things.

Viruses can only reproduce in a living host such as humans. And in the process of multiplying this virus can mutate and can produce new variants.

According to Wiku, the government has implemented various policies to prevent the transmission of the delta plus variant of the corona virus in the community as well as prevent the importation of cases that could worsen the situation nationally. These policies include the implementation of PPKM, optimization of posts and travel arrangements. For vaccines that are given to the public, the government has made every effort that it is completely free of charge, either the national program scheme or the mutual cooperation program. As for the findings that state that there are paid vaccinations in the field, the regional task force will follow up.

Meanwhile, the current recipients of booster vaccines are health workers as a population at risk as well as vital in supporting health services, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

In addition, the government continues to carry out various policies, such as implementing PPKM, optimizing command posts and regulating travellers to prevent transmission in the community. As well as preventing the importation of cases that could worsen the Covid-19 condition.

The Health Protocol (prokes) is a very important element during the Covid-19 pandemic. The process continues even though the vaccination program is running as it is today. It has been more than a year that the community has carried out prokes during the pandemic. The hope is that the public will understand more about the importance of health care procedures as a way to prevent additional Covid-19 cases.

Of course it is very important for the government and business people to strictly refer to the prokes to ensure the safety and health of the people. In addition, discipline in implementing health protocols will certainly accelerate health recovery and the revival of the national economy.

Previously, the health protocol included 3M, (Wearing Masks, Keeping Distance and Washing Hands). Now the protocol has been expanded to 5M where the fourth is Avoiding Crowds and the fifth is Reducing Mobility.

Deputy Director of General and Finance of the KRMT Wongsonegoro Hospital (RSWN) Semarang, Dr. Eko Krisnarto, Sp.KK said, it was no longer 3M, suppressing the spread of the Corona virus needed the implementation of the 5M health protocol. Public awareness is needed considering that on the streets sometimes many do not comply with health protocols.

Previously we knew that the effectiveness of the use of masks to prevent transmission was also proven in clinical trials by the British market research firm Yougov, a team from the Miyazawa Clinic in Hyogo and the University of Houston-Victoria have collected data through computer models to find out how various factors affect the mortality rate from COVID-19. -19 in different countries. As a result, the use of face masks is the most significant way to reduce the risk of death from COVID-19.

Tightening health protocols is a fixed price in order to achieve herd immunity, on the other hand vaccinations must also be encouraged to end the Covid-19 pandemic.

(The author is a citizen living in Tangerang)

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