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Communication Experts Ask the Public Not to Be Provoked by Hoax Videos


Jakarta – On social media such as Twitter and YouTube, hoax video clips are circulating showing President Jokowi giving a speech in Mandarin. The public is asked not to be provoked

Communication expert Emrus Sihombing said that the party who made the video had certain motives.

Emrus explained that he received two social media links related to the video.

“I, Emrus Sihombing, received two social media links that appeared to be the President’s speech at a business meeting, one in English and one in Mandarin,” explained Emrus.

According to him, speeches delivered in a foreign language, even if there is a translation, are in the form of text or sentences below so that the audience can simultaneously control both the spoken and written words.

“If the speech video is in Mandarin, subtitles should be needed for the audience to control the meaning of the spoken speech,” he said.

He emphasized that the relevant agency, namely the Ministry of Communication and Information, could immediately take action against videos that used Jokowi’s voice so that they appeared to show President Jokowi as part of China’s economic interests. Even though the video is not true.

“This video should be immediately taken down by the Ministry of Communication and Information or massively explain this to the public space,” said this Pelita Harapan University Communicologist.

The hoax video circulating is the result of editing a video of President Jokowi’s speech at the Gala Dinner in the United States in 2015.

With the help of Artificial Intelligence or AI, President Jokowi made a speech using Mandarin fluently.

The public is expected to be wise and not be taken in by hoax or false information.

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