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Condemning OPM’s Action to Burn Schools, Destroying the Future of Papuan Children


By : Marcellino Angel Krey )*

The community strongly condemns the brutal and inhumane actions of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) which burned down the school in Okbab and destroyed the future of children in the area nicknamed Bumi Cenderawasih.

Of course, OPM’s action of burning down schools is clearly very detrimental to many parties, especially the children of the next generation in Papua, because they cannot study and gain knowledge, so their development is hampered simply because the existing educational facilities have all been burned down. by the separatist gang.

Thus, when Papuan children can no longer carry out learning activities at school, of course this will also have an impact on damaging their future. Therefore, it is very appropriate that many parties strongly condemn the OPM’s action of burning down the learning and teaching facilities on Bumi Cenderawasih. In fact, this is actually not the only time that the Free Papua Organization has carried out such an act, namely destroying and burning public facilities which are closely related to the interests of many people.

This time, buildings at the Okbab Elementary School (SD), Junior High School (SMP) and Okbab Vocational School (SMK), Bintang Mountains Regency, Papua Mountains were the targets of their brutality. According to the Head of Operations of the Damai Cartenz Task Force (Kaops Task Force), Brigadier General of Police (Brigjen Pol) Faizal Rahmadani, what the OPM has done is very detrimental to children who are studying and damaging the future of the next generation of Papuans.

The security forces emphasized that their party immediately launched a pursuit to take action against all the perpetrators of the school fire and ensure order in the surrounding area.

Officers said that there were 5 OPM perpetrators involved in the school burning case in Okbab, namely Memokon, Jender Siktaop alias Usoki, and Aquino Kaladana. Then two other people, namely Yuni Mimin and Enos Kakyarmabin.

This incident reflects an extraordinary crime that clearly deserves firm action from the security forces. Therefore, the joint forces ensure that they will hunt down all the perpetrators and will not just remain silent.

It was not only the security forces who criticized it, including people from cyberspace who also strongly criticized the OPM because on the one hand, the Government has actually provided a lot of access and facilities so that Papua can progress, including access to education in the form of schools. However, the OPM is actually burning the access to education that the government provides, so that more poverty and ignorance will continue to spread in the area nicknamed Little Heaven that Fell to Earth.

The heinous acts carried out by this group of terrorists, enemies of the state, were only because they were afraid that if Papuan children had access to good and more advanced education, they could threaten the continuity of the OPM’s own regeneration. So the OPM really wants the Papuan people to continue to fall into a hole of ignorance so that they will be easily influenced, provoked and propagandized by the many hoaxes that their gang gives.

The place where the next generation of young people from the Land of Papua should be able to get access to learning is now all but destroyed because OPM burned it. This then brought a lot of criticism from the public because they regretted the inhumane actions of the separatist gang.

Head of Information for the Military Regional Command (Kapendam) Responding to the act of arson, the security forces immediately tried to chase down the OPM perpetrators of the school arson, because after they carried out this heinous act they immediately ran away.

It is clear that OPM deliberately burned down the school so that the children there could not study. In fact, the next generation in Borban Village has very high enthusiasm for learning.

A number of Papuan community leaders also condemned it very strongly and condemned the heinous act that OPM carried out by burning down the school in Okbab. One of the youth leaders in the community, Thomas Tebai, said that the separatist gangs often carry out very cruel actions by disturbing and causing unfavorable situations.

Representing the entire community, Thomas firmly condemned all OPM actions and hoped that the joint TNI and Polri security forces could take legal action against them so that the situation in the Bumi Cenderawasih area remained safe, peaceful and conducive.

The OPM action of burning down the school in Okbab received various responses from the community, security forces and local figures. They all condemned and condemned very strongly how cruel and barbaric this act was because it was clearly destroying the future of the next generation of children in Papua. Of course, security forces are asked not to hesitate in taking firm action against these groups in order to create security stability in Papua.

)* Papuan Students Live in Surabaya

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