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Condemning the KST Papua Action Against Civilians


KST is again acting up by attacking residents in Yahukimo causing casualties. The community condemned this sadistic act and supported the security forces to take firm action against this terrorist group.

The Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) are cronies of the Free Papua Organization. They use weapons to frighten people and fight security forces. The existence of KST is certainly troubling, because after a long time they run rampant, attacking and causing casualties. Most recently, on March 11, 2023, a Trigana Air plane was shot down at Dekai Airport, Yahukimo, Papua Mountains Province. The culprit was KST. This incident was surprising, after previously they burned the Susi Air plane and kidnapped the foreign pilot.

Previously, on March 8 2023 KST attacked residents on Jalan Poros Logpond, Dekai District, Yahukimo. There were 2 fatalities in this incident. Head of the Public Relations Division of the Papua Regional Police Kombes Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo said the victims died on behalf of EP (18) and VS (24). Chronologically, the victim rode a motorbike from the PJPR Complex towards the city. When the two victims were crossing Jalan Poros Logpond KM 2 or to be precise in front of the gas station at 19.40 WIT, they were shot twice by KST KKB.

Kombes Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo continued, two eruptions were heard. After 5 minutes, a resident came to report to the Yahukimo Police that there were two people lying on Jalan Poros Logpond.

Receiving this report, the joint team of the Yahukimo Police and the Cartenz Peace Task Force 2023 responded by visiting the TKP to evacuate the two victims to the Dekai Hospital. The two victims, namely EP, suffered gunshot wounds to the left back, gunshot wounds to the head, abrasions to the right cheek, hands and feet. The victim was declared dead at 22.09 WIT.

The community condemned KST’s actions which caused civilians to die. After all, this is not the first time. This separatist group has repeatedly carried out attacks and many indigenous Papuans have become victims.

KST eradication must be carried out because they have carried out various terrors, ranging from burning schools to murders. Meanwhile, murder is a heinous act that violates human rights, so they must be eradicated. The goal is to maintain the safety of the people.

The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD stated that from 2019 to 2022 there were 95 people who died because they were killed by KST members. In detail, 59 civilians, 27 TNI members, and 9 Polri personnel. This is a brutal act. However, the government ensures that the eradication of KST is still in the corridor and does not violate human rights.

If you look at the statistics, there are more victims from civilians, so they really have to be eradicated, so that people’s security is maintained. KST always accuses the victim of being a spy for the authorities, even though they are only civilians. They are too paranoid to even have the heart to shoot fellow indigenous Papuans.

KST also killed 4 civilians in Yakuhimo in 2021. Even the tribal chief was shot critically. The victims were evacuated by helicopter due to Yakuhimo’s hilly terrain. It is still being investigated why they committed the murder and had the heart to shoot a tribal chief who should be respected.

With so many KST victims, it is only natural that Papuans are asked to be wary of attacks from the separatist group. This is because the number of victims has increased and KST has become more violent in recent years, due to the pandemic. They find it difficult to get food when they are guerrillas in the forest, so they are determined to carry out robberies and attacks on the community.

The majority of victims are indigenous Papuans and this is regrettable because they have the heart to attack and kill their own tribesmen. Most of the victims were motorcycle taxi drivers and workers in the informal sector, because they were accused of spying for the authorities. Even though they were just ordinary civilians but became victims of KST atrocities, therefore they had to be more careful when they were on the streets.

President Jokowi has allowed the apparatus to take decisive, measured action if there is armed contact with KST. This is not a violation of human rights, because at a critical moment what happens is the stake of life. No one ‘frying up’ this case anymore, because if KST is not eradicated there will be destruction and killings in the Papua region.

KST, which is labeled a terrorist, is also very appropriate, because it carried out acts of terror, even though it was not a bombing. But the behavior of those who shoot until their victims die is a heinous terrorist way. To overcome this, the TNI has added personnel in Papua so that the eradication of KST can be carried out more quickly.

All Papuans have antipathy towards KST, because they killed their own tribesmen. How can they fight for Papuan independence, but instead have the heart to kill fellow Papuans? Therefore, the community strongly supports the eradication of KST, in order to create peace and a sense of security on Cenderawasih Earth.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Bali

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