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Criticism of President Jokowi’s Road Construction, Anies Slaps Himself in the Face


Jakarta — Data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) shows a fact that in fact development during Jokowi’s administration was far more massive when compared to the era of the previous government, namely SBY, not in accordance with the claims of Anies Baswedan’s speech which was misguided about the data.

Bacapres Anies Baswedan once revealed that during SBY’s administration there were more free road constructions when compared to during Jokowi’s administration.

Referring to data from the Central Statistics Agency, the Head of Toll Road Regulatory Affairs (BPJT) of the PUPR Ministry, Danang Parikesit explained that it turns out that since taking office in 2014, President Jokowi has, on average, been able to construct toll roads of up to 264 km.

“During the 7 years of President Joko Widodo’s leadership since 2014, 1,848.1 km have been built, or an average of 264.01 km per year,” he said.

Danang said that until March 2023 there were 70 operational toll road sections managed by 49 toll road business entities (BUJT).

“The total length of toll roads (which have been built) is 2,623.51 km. This has grown very significantly compared to the end of 2019,” he said.

Freeways or toll roads, President Jokowi is ahead of President SBY. SBY’s government only built 927.53 km of toll roads while Jokowi during his 7 years in office managed to build 1,848.1 km.

Not only infrastructure development, President Jokowi is also considered to have a strong commitment in developing human resources (HR). The reason is, strengthening human resources is one of the ways to realize Indonesia Gold 2045.

In this regard, Deputy Chancellor II of Surabaya State University (Unesa) Suprapto assessed that the steps taken by President Jokowi really deserve appreciation. 

He explained that the progress of a nation is influenced by the infrastructure and the quality of its people.

“I believe and really believe that Pak Jokowi’s program to improve human resources and extraordinary infrastructure will definitely create the foundation for Indonesia Gold 2045, God willing, it will be achieved,” 

he said

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