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Disturbing Public Safety, Security Forces Beware of Distribution of KST Papua Armaments


By : Ones Yikwa )*

Because they continued to carry out various kinds of sadistic and cruel acts and continued to disturb the security and safety of the community, the joint personnel from all security forces immediately increased their attention to ownership and an increase in the number of weapons owned by KST Papua.

The Head of the Papua Regional Police (Kapolda), Inspector General Mathius D Fahiri explained that it turned out that the weapons that had been owned by the Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST), especially those belonging to the gang led by Egianus Kogoya, were indeed increasing in number.

Regarding the increase in the number of weapons that continued to occur in KST Papua, after being investigated by the security forces, it turned out that the weapons were not because they had bought them, but instead they were confiscating to continue to add to the weapons they had.

This actually further clarifies and proves that the separatist and terrorist group has absolutely no sense of humanity and continues to carry out a series of heinous and cruel acts. This includes proving that they are not really a group with strong power because they do not have enough funding.

So, by continuing to increase the number of weapons owned by KST Papua, the entire security apparatus from joint personnel consisting of members of the Indonesian National Police (Polri), Indonesian National Army (TNI) to the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) continue to provide constant attention. special.

Giving special attention is also a very important thing to do in order to continue to carry out surveillance and reconnaissance of the separatist and terrorist groups. The reason is, with the number of weapons ownership increasing, it will also have a very real impact on the safety of the entire community, including the security forces themselves.

Because, basically the KST Papua gang itself is a group of people who are very cruel and vicious, so when they have access to and control weapons, it is of course very feared that they will use these weapons to further carry out acts of terror that they have continued to do so far. .

In fact, the data states that for the time being it can be said that around 90% (percent) of the weapons owned by the separatist and terrorist group in Papua led by Egianus Kogoya was obtained from the confiscation they carried out.

Of course, with the findings of these data, the security forces immediately tightened their guard and also became more vigilant so that the concern continues to be added to prevent KST Papua from having access to additional weapons, which can be used arbitrarily, the main thing is seriously threatens the safety of the people in the country, including innocent civilians.

Efforts to increase attention to KST Papua are also carried out in order to prevent additional victims in the field, especially from TNI, Polri or BIN personnel themselves. So it is indeed very important that access to weapons from the separatist group can be reduced and cut off.

Meanwhile, regarding the rescue operation or mission that the security forces have been trying to carry out so far in order to be able to bring home and release the Susi Air Pilot named Philip Mark Mehrtens, who is a New Zealand national, Inspector General Mathius himself stated that all of his parties were continuing to evaluate of the rescue operation.

So far, there have been many things and efforts that have been continuously made by the security forces from the joint personnel, so that in order to further refine all the steps and actions taken in the field, an evaluation also needs to be carried out.

It should be noted that during the rescue mission, the TNI and Polri themselves had divided the tasks, in which the division of tasks included, the Polri had the task of negotiating, while the TNI had the task of assisting the police in carrying out fair law enforcement and firm.

Indeed, law enforcement measures that are very strict and just are one of the important keys to the success of the mission to rescue Pilot Susi Air from hostage taking carried out by KST Papua. So, of course, any parties or persons who may be involved in this case must be severely punished.

In fact, the security forces emphasized that all of their parties would absolutely never act indiscriminately in taking action against anyone who had been proven to provide assistance to the group led by Egianus Kogoya.

With the increase in weapons that continues to occur in KST Papua, this has increasingly made all security forces to increase their attention to take firm action against this gang. How could it not be, because by having quite a lot of weapons and continuing to grow like this, the potential threat of risks they will carry out also increases and it is possible that anyone will become the next victim.

)* Papuan students live in Makassar

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